Recent content by Micklet

  1. Micklet

    When's the last time you had sex?

    If my girlfriend is reading this then it was 2 days ago with her.... If shes not then it was last night.....
  2. Micklet

    Poll: Will China Replace the US as the World's Leading Superpower?

    I think China has already got the mantle. Right now their just eyeing up Africa as one giant farmland to feed its population.
  3. Micklet

    What Has Your Country Ever Done For Us?!

    You're not far wrong buddy, was the invention of a John Phillip Holland born in Clare to an Irish speaking family, then moved to the states. So I can see how you got confused. It was first mass produced by a Polish fellow whose name escapes me at the moment.
  4. Micklet

    What Has Your Country Ever Done For Us?!

    The submarine, half the transcontinental railroad, the whitehouse, modern day genetics, most of the worlds greatest race horses and trainers, Dracula, Yeats, Gulliver, Wilde, Beaufort Scale, the Delorean and some of the best rugby players in the world but to name a few.
  5. Micklet

    Poll: First person shooters, which one will you get?

    All of them except F3AR and Brink.
  6. Micklet

    Steampunk point and click adventure games.

    Escapists, this is actually for my girlfriend I swear. She's pretty big into the whole steampunk genre, but has only recently gotten into gaming, mainly because of me. But she's big into the style of it, gothic clunky clocks and stop watches etc. So heres the question: Recomendations for...
  7. Micklet

    Poll: The question most asked

    It is just a little adition to your basic question, but it's what makes humans stand out on this planet. What if? We all strive to be better and for better in our lives. What if is the starting point. What if we didn't have to rely on oil? Enter science.
  8. Micklet

    What is your degree in?

    BA in Geography and Ancient Classics, MSc in Geocomputation. I'm an assistant manager in a bar Thursday to Sunday. Gotta love living in Ireland at the mo.;)
  9. Micklet

    I'd make a lousy L4D survivor.

    You might thing that now, but you would be very suprised at what you would do should the situation actually happen. The impulse to survive at all costs is very strong and modern life does not afford us situations where we get to experience this. I'm pretty sure I couldn't shoot someone...
  10. Micklet

    Poll: CONFORMISTS!!!!

    But we are not individual animals. We thrive in social interactions, form bonds which we need to survive. If mankind was all about the individual and what the individual needs, then we wouldnt live in communities, we wouldnt have laws and we would do everything for ourselves. We need conformity...
  11. Micklet

    Elizabeth Grunewald's Five Favorites of 2010

    Where was UP in the list? Along with the short that accompanied it? Don't get me wrong, I loved Toy Story 3, I loved all the Toy Storys, but my god UP was nigh on perfect. Great characters, animation, pure imagination and good lord it plucked on the heart strings. The first time I went to see it...
  12. Micklet

    Poll: Do you believe in time travel?

    You are time travelling right now, we all are. We are currently traveling at 1 second per second intervals into the future by our relativity to ourselves.
  13. Micklet

    The New Buffy Movie Has a High Bar To Clear

    Half right, a total reboot of it would be good. A serious go at the whole idea of a teenage super powered vamp slayer would be nice. Less false drama, and more real emotion. I think without being Wheedon driven is the only thing that could make it good. I'll admit I'm not a fan of Wheedon, at...
  14. Micklet


    Decide first who would willingly go, force noone to go, then draw straws out of those. Shortest goes.
  15. Micklet

    What would you do with a four minute warning?

    Breath a sigh of relief and rest easy knowing that Z day never managed to happen. Then query a higher being as to what all of this was about. There are no agnostics minutes away from death.