Recent content by mixmastermind

  1. mixmastermind

    BioWare Can't Patch Unreadable Text for Non-HD TVs in Mass Effect 2

    All I have to say is this: If you bought a console for 180 dollars used and buy 1 $30 game every three months, YOU CAN AFFORD A 500 DOLLAR TV THAT MAKES YOUR CABLE CHANNELS LOOK WORSE. IT'S 2010, LESS THAN 50% OF THE UNITED STATES HAVE HDTVS. GET WITH THE TIME.
  2. mixmastermind

    Zero Punctuation: Dark Void

    So yeah, about that Alternate Napoleonic War With Flying Lizards thing:
  3. mixmastermind

    LoadingReadyRun: iPotato

    ... wait, Eye Potato. Damn you, LRR and your puns!
  4. mixmastermind

    There Will Be Brawl: Episode Six

    I can't stop laughing at Waluigi playing the Tennis Racket.
  5. mixmastermind

    Coolest thing in your room

    I was thinking of getting the Baritone guitar version of that.
  6. mixmastermind

    Coolest thing in your room

    My SG or my Hard Rain poster.
  7. mixmastermind

    There Will Be Brawl: Episode Four

    Damn man, that was quite the monologue from Ganon there.
  8. mixmastermind

    The biggest Video game let down, of your life.

    Advent Rising. I wasn't expecting much, but holy crap that game sucked. My friends still make fun of me for playing that.
  9. mixmastermind

    Blue (Skin) State

    My theater clapped when that traitorous Spartan died in 300. One guy yelled "Thank God!"
  10. mixmastermind

    Smacked children more successful later in life, study finds

    I was never hit as a child. I was, however, mercilessly mocked if I did something wrong. Or right. ... *sob*
  11. mixmastermind

    How the hell is this fair?!?

    Where did you learn that Stalin was schizophrenic? I've never heard or read anything other than slight speculation on the subject. This has been true since the first two species to evolve fought over seaweed.
  12. mixmastermind

    How the hell is this fair?!?

    Three main reasons, really: 1)The man was crazy and thus not in control of his actions. 2)Heroine's a fucked up scene, man. 3)America's drug laws are pants-on-head retarded.
  13. mixmastermind

    2010: First game you played

    I beat the finale to Dark Carnival. Halfway through it turned to New Years.
  14. mixmastermind

    WTF the goverment gave money to these people?

    It's not up to the federal government to determine how it's spent. You can blame your local government for spending a million dollars on one store.
  15. mixmastermind

    Dark Void Morphs Into 8-Bit Side-scroller

    I dangit, I read the Headline and thought it said "The Void". That would have been crazy.