WTF the goverment gave money to these people?


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Doug said:
Mcupobob said:
So I found out not too long ago that the small store in a small town in the center of californa my somewhat home town as gotten a 1 million dollar loan form the stimlis package, its been a atleast 4 months since and they have have hired no one and prices have jumped the store still looks inter city looking I don't know the owners of the store but I've never heard anyone say any thing good about them.

So escapist was this a good move for the Amercain goverment?

Note- sorry about any spelling mistakes on my part.
Well, how many people are employed by the store as is? And how many people are employed by the suppliers of the store, the warehouses, etc, etc. The ultimate question is how many job loses where prevented, not necessarily how many new jobs where made. As for the price increase, it sounds like the store is having problems and are trying to make themselves finanicially stable. Its like with the US car industry - as it stands, its not economically viable....

Strangely, when it was the computer industry that had a meltdown, no-one wanted to help. This is possibly why Windows is the most used O/S across the whole planet today. Possibly.
About 5 jobs were saved I'm guessing these people rarley hire outside there own famliy.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
There was a plant nursery in my town that wrote on its sign, "No Government Bailout! Please Stimulate Us!"

OP: Anyway, would you mind going down to that shop and getting my percentage of money back. Most likely just a fraction of a cent but still that is my partial penny I want back


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Thank god the Canadian government is too stupid to do something like this, all our government does is be a placeholder so the turkey overlords don't invade anymore.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
It isn't the worse case I have heard but yes, it is an example of money being wasted. The biggest problem with these 'free money' stimulus package is there is no oversight. Even if this is a pathetic example, some companies have taken hundreds of millions and did just as much with it, it highlights the fact people need to have their feet hold to the fire.

PS: I did like the image of a shadowy 'government' figure smoking Cubans while plotting the downfall of the US economy. In reality that is in the hand of bankers....


New member
Mar 23, 2009
Nothing's perfect, least of all those things that people in authority over a nation of 300 million people decide.

I mean, come on, people. I'm sort of a cynic, myself, but I don't see anything unexpected or even alarming in this. We won't know enough to condone or condemn the stimulus as a whole for a while yet. I'm still of the opinion that it was an absolute necessity, though the need for speed and the political atmosphere in the federal government made incidents like this inevitable.


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Jun 30, 2009
Aphroditty said:
TheNamlessGuy said:

In moments like these, I'm proud not to be an American
Don't worry, in every moment which isn't one of these, we're proud you aren't too.
oh burrrrrrrrrrrrrn!!

Translation: shit happens everywhere, just wiki "alex salmond" to see shit number 1 in my world.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
As an American I just wish we would make up our mind as a country if we want to move towards socialism or towards pure capitalism.

Yes universal health care is socialist, but dammit so was giving complete failures in the market money to give them another shot.


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May 7, 2009
Rednog said:
Why is it that every other thread there is something like this post? If you don't like America great, good for you. I'm sure your country is perfect and stupid shit doesn't happen at all. Completely write off every American for "moments like these."
I agree, it's quite idiotic when you consider all governments make decisions that someone will hate, this is why i made a why i love my country thread :D Yet still, some people came on bitching saying the entire world was shit in every way possible...

Can we have some information on this please, a link to a news site or something. I mean so far all we know is, there is a place in california, a place in this place got money.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Mr Wednesday said:
Sewblon said:
I hate to say I told you so... but that's a bold-faced lie. I love gloating on the internet when it turns out I was right about politics, so suck it people who thought the stimulus package would make things better!
I'm not entirely sure this one event condemns the entire package.
Best hold off the gloating for a while.
Everyone knows that financing all kinds of personal projects with staggering amounts of federal funding is the single most effective way to stimulate the economy!

Yeah, not so much. The 'economic stimulus package' was basically one gigantic mass of pork-barrel spending, intended purely as a bribe to get the respective members of Congress to vote the way the administration wanted them to on subsequent issues. And then Congress didn't even do that, so it was a massive bribe that didn't work at being a bribe. Yay.

Mr Wednesday

New member
Jan 22, 2008
Gildan Bladeborn said:
Yeah, not so much. The 'economic stimulus package' was basically one gigantic mass of pork-barrel spending, intended purely as a bribe to get the respective members of Congress to vote the way the administration wanted them to on subsequent issues. And then Congress didn't even do that, so it was a massive bribe that didn't work at being a bribe. Yay.
Forgive me, but I was under the impression it was a desparate measure to stop the financial system collapsing in its entirety. Forgive my ingorance on the matter, cearly you have sources in Washington.


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May 27, 2009
will1182 said:
Governments don't solve problems, they throw money at it. Our money.
If I may be so bold - it isn't governments.

Well intentioned politicians and seemingly well intentioned politicians implement legislation under the pretense of representing the best interest of divergent constituencies.

I would posit then that a lack of 'governance' and a majority of politicizing are the culprit, not, "governments," themselves.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
Wow, a million dollar stimulus boost to a family-owned store. That should set them comfortably. Here I am going on nearly three months of being unemployed and somehow disqualified for income assistance.
Thanks, Obama.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Simalacrum said:
To be fair on the American Government, they got a big fright when the Leman Brothers went brankrupt - they didn't want it to happen again, and have thus been pumping useless stimuli into all sorts of places which do absolutely nothing.

Its just a jerk reaction from a single bad event, thats all.

Kinda like how we invaded Iraq and the surrounding country's after 911? Our government is some of the worst on the planet.. And the worst part about it is that we VOTE THEM IN... But then again if you really think about it we dont have that much control over our government to begin with.. Democracy died out 100 years ago in our country now its just vote for who we want you to vote for.. And what you dont know cant hurt you.. And if somehow it does hurt you BLOW UP THAT PLACE!


New member
Aug 15, 2008
It's not up to the federal government to determine how it's spent. You can blame your local government for spending a million dollars on one store.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
Mr Wednesday said:
Gildan Bladeborn said:
Yeah, not so much. The 'economic stimulus package' was basically one gigantic mass of pork-barrel spending, intended purely as a bribe to get the respective members of Congress to vote the way the administration wanted them to on subsequent issues. And then Congress didn't even do that, so it was a massive bribe that didn't work at being a bribe. Yay.
Forgive me, but I was under the impression it was a desparate measure to stop the financial system collapsing in its entirety. Forgive my ingorance on the matter, cearly you have sources in Washington.
That's how they sold it to the public, and some parts of that bill might actually have been about that at one point, but those parts were dwarfed by the unprecedented levels of pork. If Congress was actually trying to stimulate the economy, letting the public keep more of its money so it could, you know, buy stuff with it would seem a logical approach.

And yes, I do have sources in Washington