Recent content by Mrkittycat

  1. Mrkittycat

    Surgery while unsedated? Patient told to "man up" for it.

    i need to go for a walk, I can't stop cringing
  2. Mrkittycat

    Was Borderlands 2 just announced?

    All it needs for my buy is content similar to the hilarious and amazing General Knoxx DLC
  3. Mrkittycat

    Mom begged me to be HIP

    I dress how I like, which is normally current. But hipster cat would like a word with you...
  4. Mrkittycat

    What games have you been playing the last 7 days (specifically those last 7 days that have past)

    Minecraft, Guild Wars, Rayman 2, Fallout New Vegas, and MW2. I have a really random game selection.
  5. Mrkittycat

    Sexual Predators (mature topic)

    I think almost everyone deserves a second chance, so I'd hire him, but if he did ANYTHING illegal, he'd be out the door.
  6. Mrkittycat

    Is there any game you feel confident enough to parttake in a tournament to win buckets of cash

    I'm an aggressive player in most games, so AC:Brotherhood, only if it is manhunt, and L4D(2)
  7. Mrkittycat

    You have been transformed into your avatar.

    Everyone should stay away from me, for their own good.
  8. Mrkittycat

    The Slender man

    I call Slender man Señor Slender to make him seem less terrifying.
  9. Mrkittycat

    Are Chinese mothers superior to American mothers?

    I like a social life, and the only asians I know who can go out with friends have extremely loose parents, who only do well because they want to. The ones with those kinds of parents are shut ins.
  10. Mrkittycat

    Can someone please tell me why it's all coolsville till I turn my mike on?

    Online people hate everyone. I'm a guy, and as soon as I plug into Reach, I say hey guys. "Your mom" really? that fast?
  11. Mrkittycat

    Great masterpieces... that suck!

    Pink Floyd's the Dark Side of the Moon. Weird ass sound effects, takes too long to get to the damn song. My opinion anyway.
  12. Mrkittycat

    Which game developer would you like to work for if given a chance?

    Gearbox, so if there is a Borderlands 2, I can slap them if they don't implement everything I say, such as weapon customization, better story, better skill tress, etc.
  13. Mrkittycat

    Torturous Hugo Strange Shows Up in Batman: Arkham City

    Batman uses the Bat groin kick It's super effective!
  14. Mrkittycat

    What do you want to see, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Maybe skills to help with melee combat. I'm thinking like bulletstorm, where you can kick and shoot on the fly. Combat would flow soooo much better
  15. Mrkittycat

    Oh, what a strange creature you are!

    I think about having super powers everyday... EVERYDAY SINCE I WAS 12