Recent content by muffincakes

  1. muffincakes

    Is the chicken dance offensive?

    To provide some back-story: I recently learned that a Polish friend of mine refuses to listen or dance to the chicken dance song because he claims that it is offensive to the Polish, and a derogatory song towards polka in general. Now he learned this from his parents, and they from theirs...
  2. muffincakes

    Is the chicken dance offensive?

    To provide some back-story: I recently learned that a Polish friend of mine refuses to listen or dance to the chicken dance song because he claims that it is offensive to the Polish, and a derogatory song towards polka in general. Now he learned this from his parents, and they from theirs...
  3. muffincakes

    Okay, publishers/developers really need to stop doing this...

    Really? If that is so, then I'm pretty sure I would take marketing advice from a caveman over Sony's. You can say all you want about their 'experience and blah blah etc,' but that still does not change the fact that Sony rather consistently has had some of the worst marketing ideas in the past.
  4. muffincakes

    Nintendo Confirms Master Quest for Ocarina of Time 3D

    This makes me want to go dig out my 'cube and play through all the Zelda's again. That, or find a few hundred dollars on the ground with which I would purchase this and a 3DS. Whichever comes first
  5. muffincakes

    Poll: Which is the most significant gaming device?

    First, the jump between the NES and Wii was huge too, so you have an invalid point. Second, how are Nintendo consoles so hit and miss? NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii. Name how many of those five consoles that didn't sell fantastically and weren't well received. Let me know if you come up with...
  6. muffincakes

    Gaming gems you almost didn't play

    Tales of Symphonia. When I first saw the cel-shaded style it was a huge turn off, and as one of the only games I've played that has enough story and character development to really draw me in, I would have been missing out on what is now one of my favorite games.
  7. muffincakes

    "What are you doing?" "Homework." "You're playing Fallout." "Right. Homework."

    Wayyyy back in the day, I used the Warcraft 3 editor to create a 15 minute movie as a school project. I had all my friends help with voice-overs, and I even threw in a rock concert at the end(although I think I was ripping off the actual game credits there). It was probably the only project I...
  8. muffincakes

    Bioware's "Weird Quest"

    Baldur's Gate: The pantaloons! It spans the games, but you can get gold, silver, and bronze pantaloons and Possibly the most random and hard to complete quest if you don't know what you're looking for. Also, if you let Noober talk to you enough you get some xp. I don't know if you'd...
  9. muffincakes

    Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man

    And don't forget, at least for those of us who actually read the article, after being punched in the face he couldn't see straight. Anybody with a brain can understand that he shot eight times because he could hardly see and had no idea if he hit the guy or not, or if they were doing anything in...
  10. muffincakes

    Blonde Bond Will Be Back in 2012

    Sorry to agree with everyone else here, but QoS was possibly the worst shitpile of Bond I've seen, and that counts the Moore Bond crap as well. Poor writing, directing, and the lack of a non-Bourne Bond overtake anything good that movie had to offer. However, I am still in love with Bond, so...
  11. muffincakes

    Poll: Do "spoilers" have a use by date?

    Hate to break it to ya, but... Also, I saw The Sixth Sense for the first time last year, and I still liked the movie even though I knew how it ended. I guess that means I don't mind spoilers as long as they are pop culture knowledge already.
  12. muffincakes

    Before There Was Halo

    Wait, you lost me there. Are you talking about Halo or Perfect Dark? Because comparatively, the only thing Halo added(subtracted?) was being able to kill more things with less skill because of a regenerative shield. And a piss-poor selection of weapons. I personally would have written the...
  13. muffincakes

    Poll: Should they legalize pot?

    I vote no unless someone can give me some reasons as to why it should be legal besides 'It doesn't hurt anybody.' That's what all addicts say, and most of you are worse than addicts - you're children. So what's the big deal about pot? Why is it so important to you that it's legalized...
  14. muffincakes

    Poll: What broke MW2?

    When you whine about campers, all I hear is 'I'm too lazy and/or stupid to kill this person even though they camp so I know EXACTLY where they are since there is a kill cam for this sort of thing.' Also, it is usually followed up by 'I have no class with cold-blooded and a...
  15. muffincakes

    Metroid Uwe Boll starring... Jessica simpson

    Yes, because one bad entry would completely destroy the series and no one would ever be able to go back and play Metroid again. Right? [] Also, I'm fairly certain that it's an obvious fake. Well, maybe not on the obvious part, but definitely the fake.