Recent content by Nathan Allison

  1. N

    JRPG's that just got everything right

    Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance -Screw Final Fantasy VII remake! I want this game remade. Tales of Vesperia -Arguably the best Tales of game, next to Symphonia. Dragon Quest 9 -RPG gold, one of the best DS games period. The World Ends With You -Great combat, interesting level design...
  2. N

    The Old Republic: How does it measure up?

    Sorry but your loyalty and lack of adversion ticked me off. You're defending something that shouldn't be defended. SWTOR's aesthetics and graphics isn't something that should be praised. They are not bad nor are they good. To put it simple, they can be better. You know why BioWare copied...
  3. N

    The Old Republic: How does it measure up?

    There is having opinions and then there is blind fanboyism. Acknowledging that your fanboyism =/= opinion is a good first step on the road to having civil discussions on the internet. I can acknowledge SWTOR has good story, I can acknowledge it's a good game that takes the old WoW...
  4. N

    The Old Republic: How does it measure up?

    I'm at a loss for words, thankfully, this picture explains my reaction. Okami has good Aesthetics Wind Waker has good Aesthetics Journey has good Aesthetics Those games look great without pushing pixels. Guild Wars 2 Bayonetta Portal Those games have great Aesthetics and...
  5. N

    The Old Republic: How does it measure up?

    I have 1 major problem with SWTOR Other than story telling, it's more World of Warcraft than Star Wars. The combat is so bad, mashing the 1 key over and over makes me feel like I'm playing a Dynasty Warrior game, minus the over-the-top Koei craziness fun. People are entertained by that...
  6. N

    Zero Punctuation: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Yahtzee Croshaw, during the slow release this Christmas season, do a review of Majora's Mask.
  7. N

    Poll: When will Guild Wars 2 be released? Click on "when there will be beta?" It's on their main website. How do you not know about that? Also, the game wasn't officially announced until 2009, how can they announce beta for the game in 2008?
  8. N

    Poll: When will Guild Wars 2 be released?

    Sir, you be trollin. I never gotten storage pains despite playing for 5 years. My paragon, ranger and monk does a great job stashing everything since their almost useless. lol at character hero slots, um, if you think that gives an advantage you are bad at Guild Wars. Closed beta will be...
  9. N

    Your Gaming Capital Sins

    I've enjoyed FFXIII after enduring the first 2 disks. FFXII bored me to death, I got to Cid and I was like F!@3 this. I like FFX-2 much better than FFX. I like Majora's Mask much better than OoT. I actually see potential in FFXIII-2, if Square pulls their head out of their ass. I...
  10. N

    Scientists On Trial For.... Earthquakes?

    I always knew the Italian scientists teamed with the Japanese!
  11. N

    The Last Character You Played As in a Video Game

    Last game I played was Portal 2... ... I'm so !@#$ed But hey, the main character just got an easy shot at freedom.
  12. N

    Guess that obscure game quote!

    This one should be easy for those that played the game, "O mad and greedy waters, rise up and storm the very heavens, Tidal Wave!" Here is a tricky one, "Boomer!" This one should be a little harder. "I'm no ones slave!"
  13. N

    Is the Legend of Zelda a... JRPG?

    The Legend of Zelda is actually a shooter because you use the bow and sling shot. No wait, it's a puzzle game since the dungeons have tons puzzles. But then it has action combat when you fight, like bosses and mini bosses. And a lot of adventure as you explore the land of Hyrule and...
  14. N

    People's Issue With Square Enix

    I hated Final Fantasy X I loved Final Fantasy X-2 Crazy? No. I can see what actually makes a game good. X-2 had great combat system, fun characters and highly replayable with the New Game+ The combat system was fast, but deep, by far the best combat mechanics in any FF game. The mechanics...