Recent content by NCLWC

  1. N

    Jimquisition: Why Do People Hate EA?

    is it wrong that i don't know whats wrong with activision? i never knew people hated activision as well (but then i am naive af so derp) [also jim's sexilicious and i would like the shirt]
  2. N

    Ledo and Ix?

    i fell in love with the series on penny arcade... anyone know what happened? i sorta assumed that there wouldn't be any more episodes after so long, but still... what happened?
  3. N

    Who thinks Planetary: The TV Show would be a good idea?

    First off, how many off you have read Planetary? I know this is the Escapist, so the people here are mostly gamers, comic fans and, often, nerds (its a compliment). And a finer group of people I have never met. But, I am not big into comics, so Im not sure how widely read Planetary was/is. But...
  4. N

    Favorite & least favorite TF2 classes?

    Demo man? Anybody like the demo man? I cant be the only one who likes the demo man...
  5. N

    Whose getting brink?

    totally. game looks sweet.
  6. N

    I am looking for a certain band/album/musical artist name

    I need any album/band names that have one of the following words or numbers in them. Needs to be a real band/album/musical artist. Can be any type of music, just need to have one of these words/numbers in it. Bonus points if the albums have cool covers. The words/numbers are as follows: History...
  7. N

    I need a good name

    Im writing a thing, and one of the characters is a male, fallen, blind angle. He needs a name. Suggestions? needs to be something, like majestic or something. No one say Gabriel. Already been considered. Thanks.
  8. N

    So, I need an awesome name

    Im writing a thing, and one of the characters is a male, fallen, blind angle. He needs a name. Suggestions? needs to be something, like majestic or something. No one say Gabriel. Already been considered. Thanks.
  9. N

    2011 will DESTROY my wallet

    Finally, someone says Brink.
  10. N

    What would happen if the california video game law is passed? What does it mean if video games can b

    does this mean no more M games or something like that?
  11. N

    Poll: Which game is more original? Halo or Goldeneye?

    i heard the escapist has a thing against vs. threads, but this one I'm really puzzled about. I was thinking about both games, and I really cant come up with an answer. I know I can't keep fanboys of either game out of the thread, but it would be nice to support your opinion. And for those of you...
  12. N

    If you could make your own Game...

    I actually just had an idea for a stealth/action game based on the underground railroad. U would hav to guide an escaped slave back to the north or something. Cue good writing, deep characters and all that shit. In the end, they could all die and that would b that.
  13. N

    What are some good scifi movies?

    Personal favorites are Dark City, Serenity, Moon and iRobot. Strangely, I am not a huge fan of the Matrix series or the Terminator series.
  14. N

    Saddest Fictional Death

    John Marston.
  15. N

    Saddest Fictional Death

    that was one of my favorite characters, and that spike came out of nowhere