Recent content by neoontime

  1. neoontime

    Punch, Run or Hug?

    I hug this big bag of cheeze snacks. I'll run tomorrow I guess.
  2. neoontime

    Punch, Run or Hug?

    I collide back into him with my own running hug.
  3. neoontime

    Punch, Run or Hug?

    I like that movie so have another hug!
  4. neoontime

    Punch, Run or Hug?

    Well he needs... a little hug
  5. neoontime

    Punch, Run or Hug?

    *pokes thread* IT'S ALIVE AGAIN! umm... *hugs cool mods cold, old statue*
  6. neoontime

    Punch, Run, or Hug?

    I forgot to feed the old board and it died... Oopsie-doopsie ?\_(ツ)_/? ... But I mad a new one just for you stranger. I'll start... I hug nobody I guess...
  7. neoontime

    Online vs Offline gaming...

    I really feel the opposite cause any online game is too obvious that there isn't an end game. When I use to sink 5 hours playing league, COD, or Battlefront, it seemed too obvious that there wasn't really any real progression and that time didn't represent any real worth in the game other than...
  8. neoontime

    Is South Park getting

    Eh, I didn't really like the last season and I'm afraid I won't like this one as much either. I really don't think the serialization was done well before in the last season since it just ended with a really disappointing episode. Since the show is basically written the week of, I don't think the...
  9. neoontime

    Twilight Princess May be Getting a HD Wii U Remake

    I haven't played twilight princess in like six years and from what I remember, I thought I enjoyed the aesthetics most out of all the zelda games. If a HD version came out, I'd be definitely willing to buy. However, I do think it's fishy that the news was found out on eshop, nintendo usually...
  10. neoontime

    Ever stop watching something because it became too something?

    Yeah, I gave up Durarara mid-season for the same reason OP stated. I was really excited to see that it seemed to bring together some unique characters with a unique plot, then BLAMO! several shitty anime plot twist that made me lose hope that it would be any different. Never had any interest to...
  11. neoontime

    Poll: Do you feel free?

    No, I'm in school, going through hell trying to finish a Nursing degree and finish up my other majors. I want to be further in school in order to get a doctorate in Neuroscience for research. I can't drive yet so I don't have freedom in that sense and I'm not making money since I have such...
  12. neoontime

    Poll: How much Harry didya watch or read until you were done?

    Tried to read Goblet of Fire, then stopped after a bit. Saw parts of the first 3 movies and that was it. Not a fan, read and watched since everyone else was doing it so that's all. Movies really disappointed me anyway since the parts I read weren't in the third one. I'm probably not much of a...
  13. neoontime

    Poll: Is it weird for a white guy to love shows like The Boondocks and Black Dynamite?

    No, I'm pretty sure the show was made with the intended audience of white people as well. Everyone is made fun in those shows so it's not bias or seriously antagonizing any group. Plus there isn't ever really anything culturally new or strange in any episodes that doesn't get explained later. If...
  14. neoontime

    Does sexist tropes in video games influence behavior? Violence =/= Sexism?

    Thank you for being being very informative in your reply. You explained in great detail your view and provided much context to hold rational sense. I still think we differ in what registers as a critique and a complaint. First off I want to make a point that I think much of these "complaints"...
  15. neoontime

    World Fantasy Awards may drop H.P. Lovecraft's likeness from award statuette due to author's racism.

    I'm impressed how you led us to considering racial undertones in a work are as bad and perpetuating of racism, but I'll get to the main point. That is the exact premise you use to lead on yet no one has even held that stance, so its deemed as invalid. You're implying people deeming all...