Recent content by OldGrover

  1. O

    Jimquisition: It's Not A Video Game!

    Well, for that matter, why stop there? Why not declare anything we don't like "non-games"? I strongly dislike war shooters post the original few Call of Duty games - can I come up with a definition that excludes them? Probably I could. I strongly dislike Bejewelled and its ilk - how about...
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    Jimquisition: It's Not A Video Game!

    However, the lack of a fail state doesn't explicitly show there is not player interactivity.
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    Jimquisition: It's Not A Video Game!

    The re-releases and the new games all have hint systems. The original releases did not. Which makes it an interesting question - can the addition of the hint system take something that was a game (the original) and make it not a game (the re-releases)?
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    Jimquisition: It's Not A Video Game!

    Even with the hint system? It will tell the player the answer if they like - no skill at all required.
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    LoadingReadyRun: The Couch

    No, but it is a traditional one. That's where "hair of the dog" comes from - the full phrase is "hair of the dog that bit you", ie, more of what got you into the mess in the first place.
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    Feed Dump: The Spirit of Creaster

    Though there is an epic quote from the homeowner "She's willing to forgive the writer of the letter, and has even offered to have that person come over and help the family decorate for Canada Day."
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    Feed Dump: The Spirit of Creaster Kinda meh, actually.
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    Pentagon Bringing Back the Blimp

    They actually did that - in the early 1900's, four, five and six masted steel schooners carried coal from England to the West coast of the US (around South America) and other places. They got by with very few crew, actually, mostly by being really horrible to the people that worked on it...
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    Sol: Exodus Review

    I just bought the game and am having the exact same problem. REALLY annoying, to say the least... Fun game so far other than that, though.
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    LoadingReadyRun: Formal Complaint

    Nice xkcd reference. Though I thought of a way to improve it - since it isn't really an acronym. However, if you write it like : I'm So Meta Even This Acrostic it becomes perfect.
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    Legend of Grimrock Goes Beta [With a Video!]

    Give Frayed Knights a look - - a little more old school as far as looks (it is another Indie). Funny, well-written game. It reminds me of the Order of the Stick webcomic if that appeals. I've enjoyed the heck out of it.
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    Notch Delays Minecraft Adventure Update

    1800 people a minute start a Minecraft game - I'm not sure under what criteria you can count Minecraft as a 'job done poorly' It is a game, whether you like it or not, that has an enormous following and offers a lot of fun. Even the largest criticism - that it gets easy and repetitive - only...
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    Daily Drop: Compact Fluorescents

    There are official clean up directions here - - it isn't that bad. Ventilate the area then clean. But, honestly, unless you're doing it every day it isn't that big of a deal.
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    Daily Drop: Dried Flowers

    They did all the episodes over a few days a few months back and are playing them back in pseudo-random order. It likely isn't possible to project trends on the subjects, since they aren't playing them back in the order they did them.
  15. O

    LoadingReadyRun: James Cameron's Desert Bus

    Now there's a Challenge for DB5! "Tell a ghost story based on Desert Bus". Though, they did do a game of Mafia which was based on Desert Bus, which was kinda close (and had lots of people being thrown under the wheels and/or being impaled by the cursor on the loading screen)