Recent content by OnlySniperLeft

  1. OnlySniperLeft

    Zero Punctuation: The E3 Trailer Park

    Another great vid, but you can't say Far Cry 2 doesn't look awesome.
  2. OnlySniperLeft

    Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Yahtzee has created another enlightening review.
  3. OnlySniperLeft

    Best Soundtrack in a game

    Portal most definately Still Alive is an instant classic.
  4. OnlySniperLeft

    If you are going to insult me, do it well.

    Easier than muting them or fighting back is to call them a necrophiliac. Being that its always a prepubescent 11 yr old they won't know what it means and will be forced to google it. And when that shows up in their online history it makes for a fun chat w/ parents.
  5. OnlySniperLeft

    What Xbox 360 achievements are you most proud of?

    1) Bioshock; Brass Balls- Beat the entire game on hard without using a vita chamber.