If you are going to insult me, do it well.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
When I play with friends we usually laugh when people kill us and say "Oh man, I'm gonna kill you." That's all in good fun and I never say it into the mic. If more people learned this there'd be less games where I'm called a ****** for playing the demoman. Or even better when I was playing sniper and some guy who had no idea what he was talking about told me to go eat some kangaroos cause the sniper's (and also OBVIOUSLY me) aussie. Fuck, when people decide they know what race you are from how or what you play. The whole online thing becomes a turn off. I miss wholesome trash talk that wasn't racist or offensive to at least two different religions.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
hell, I'd settle for trash talk that only offends one.... it'd still be an improvement.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
I miss the days when swearing was an art form. When it had dignity. When a well placed 'Bugger' or 'Bastard' could make an opponent weep tears of anger. Nowadays it's all 'Faghats' and the N word. Swearing has been taken over by the twelve year olds. Well, bugger it, I say it's about damn time we fought to get our cuss words back. Who's with me, who's bloody with me??!?!
Hell yeh, I'm in! Let's fucking do this.

- A procrastinator

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
stompy said:
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
I miss the days when swearing was an art form. When it had dignity. When a well placed 'Bugger' or 'Bastard' could make an opponent weep tears of anger. Nowadays it's all 'Faghats' and the N word. Swearing has been taken over by the twelve year olds. Well, bugger it, I say it's about damn time we fought to get our cuss words back. Who's with me, who's bloody with me??!?!
Hell yeh, I'm in! Let's fucking do this.

- A procrastinator
Sure I'm in, not sure what I'm in though but hell, lets do dis!

The sad truth is that on XBL I have found players over the age of 20 to be more annoying then players over/under 12. 12 year olds are generally stupid and very impressionable. Where do you think they learn these slurs from? They learn from retarded 15's and up who think its right to swear at people for the stupidest fucking reasons. While your average 12 year old has a squeaky voice and bitches about being killed at least they are not the person who can?t go 5 minutes without verbally attacking someone who is black!

When I rolled with a party in CoD4 we would play into the wee hours of the night, laughing and having a good time. But as soon as someone would leave we would end having the most annoying cockwits on our teams. And as this was late at night I doubt they where 12 years old.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Its times like this that I'm glad I don't talk online while gaming with strangers. I'm even happier that I don't have Xbox live.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
To be fair, Erana, we're being excessively harsh. For every asshat out there there's generally a whole rest-of-the-server load of well-adjusted, intelligent players.

The problem is that the obnoxious always have the loudest voice, and are therefore the most easily identified.

I've had a lot of very good nights' gaming using voice comms and communicating with a bunch of other intelligent, mature players. We're discussing the tiny minority of retards here, not the overwhelming majority of players who are decent guys and gals out to have a good time.


New member
Nov 10, 2007
sirdanrhodes said:
sammyfreak said:
Just mute them, i mainly just play team deathmatch games on XBL so it doesnt matter if i just faff about.
But some games, E.G. Kane and Lynch don't support the mute button, so I'm destined to live with "Why you kill me, I traitor killed you cuz i wanted fucking money"
You can always use the mute feature from the guide. It overrides individual game settings. Go to ther recent players list, highlight the one you want to squelch, and there will be a mute player option.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
I think it would be cool if there was a game where the host could put a big dunce hat or something on players that act like asses so everyone could see who the losers were plus they would be easier to shoot


New member
Apr 9, 2008
People on CoD4 are actually kinda funny, the thing that really starts pissing me off is when people start to call votes to ban anyone who kills them twice in a row. If your gonna sit in one spot while you type out childish slander, what do you expect!? I personally find it to be the utmost compliment to be called a hacker, because they have noticed that you are much better than they are and the only way they can save face is by resorting to baseless accusations and childish insults


New member
Feb 22, 2008
Here's a fun one for you. If one of them tries to start something with you personally, be nice about it. Tell them that they probably are, in fact, a better player than you (if you can do it without letting your tone get sarcastic). Complement them on their playing skills and their ability to insult you. It confuses the **** out of them since it's pretty much impossible to have a one-way fight. It's even better when you continue blasting them away as you do this. If you can manage to sound sincere about it most of them will end up either sounding proud of themselves for having won whatever fight they think they're having (which sets them up to get pissed all over again when you kill them a second time), or stutter to a stop and lose track of whatever crap they're trying to spew at you since they'll have been all set to respond to a negative comment rather than a positive one.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
I dream of the day when I meet someone who's old enough to have played the Monkey Island games and then we can go into trash talking fest with each other, for example:

Me: "You look like a monkey in an negligee!"
Him: "I look that much like your fiance?"

Him: "Everyone I've met I've annihilated!"
Me: "Uhh... I once had some gold but it was electroplated?"



New member
Mar 27, 2008
This sort of thing has been around since internet multiplay went big (I'm looking at you, Counter-Strike) and the Penny Arcade guys summed it up years ago.
...in John Gabriel's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory.
Not that I'm trying to come of ass all insightful because I read PA, just pointing out that the phenomenon exists and is probably tied to the conflux of anonymity and audience.

redstar alpha

New member
Dec 9, 2007
Nerdfury said:
redstar alpha said:
i am scottich(and fucking proud!)
If you were proud of being Scottish, as I am, you'd know how to spell your own race correctly.

On topic, this is one of the reasons that I don't play online games. There needs to be a minimum age limit to play or some kind of test. For example, if you can't name all the members of the A-Team AND their actual names (not just their nicknames) then you can't get on the internet or on online games.
in my defence i was very tired when i wrote that (as i am now) so please forgive the odd spelling error. ya noob!


New member
Nov 25, 2007
I must admit, the very few times i've ventured onto Xbox live i have joined in the trash talk to fellow players.
Then again, i wasn't really too bothered as my friends tag was something along the lines of USAFU.
I'm sure you can all figure that one out for yourselves. My worst case of being slured actually came from a seniors clan whilst playing CoD4 with my old team.
It was quite frankly a shambles,that people who should of known better would gladly bend the rules but then complain that we where being underhand.
The competative scene of CoD4 dictates that certain guns are out of the question, of course being a regular player then we didn't even check what guns where available we just took what we know.
We played fairly as we usually do and they called us up on a member of our team who jumped around a corner once and called it "bunny hopping"
Only for the seniors to start shouting that we're cheating, they're calling off the game. Only then do we realize that they had their server rules borked beyond belief and could use guns you shouldn't be able too.
Barrets and p90s all show their faces, from people we didn't expect that from it was more shocking than someone calling us "niggers" or whatever.
Mind you we won the game 29-1 so we just let the laughs roll.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
Easier than muting them or fighting back is to call them a necrophiliac. Being that its always a prepubescent 11 yr old they won't know what it means and will be forced to google it. And when that shows up in their online history it makes for a fun chat w/ parents.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
ShadeOfRed said:
Damn it is annoying. Hilarious though. Funny as all hell when a female shows up. So much sorry saying after the kill her.
Heh. This is true. I remember the first time I played on XBL.. A friend of mine, who was introducing me to the whole experience, invited me to a GoW match. Everyone was bickering or laughing, though it was nothing too raucous or anything. Anyways, once I entered the whole room went quiet after I said, "Hi guys. What's up?"

Them: *Silence for a while* "..Hi." "Is that a girl?"
Me: "Yeah, I am."
Them: *More silence* ".........Oh. Cool."
*Game continues, but a LOT more quiet than usual*

Lol, and in another game everyone was all nice to me, even when I sucked. And I was the first to admit that I was a total noob(first time playing), and no one even said anything bad about it. Even when it was time to switch teams, they were like "We're going to have to switch you, because you did the worst out of all of us." I wasn't called a fucking noob or "ass *****".

Just something funny about XBL players I guess. They have SOME gentleman in there somewhere. I think. Maybe.