Recent content by OrijinalDreamin

  1. O

    New Rick & Morty Game "Pocket Mortys" is Exactly What You Think it is

    You can breed certain Morty's together: it's how the game handles evolutions.
  2. O

    If you could experience one game for the first time again.

    The ending was far from fine, and one must understand, my enmity towards the franchise/company stems from how deeply invested I was in the series, and how betrayed I felt when it was revealed Bioware just couldn't live up to the colossal expectations they set for themselves, and us the fans...
  3. O

    If you could experience one game for the first time again.

    Easy: Mass Effect 3. But why, Mr. Dream, would you subject yourself to that underwhelming garbage? Didn't that single game, with its years of hype and buildup, and consequently its massive let-down of an ending, single-handedly ruin the ME franchise, and Bioware as a company for you? Well...
  4. O

    mgs phantom pain

    So having never played a single MGS game, I jumped into this blind, and turned off Reflex Mode from the start; gotta say, this game seems to have a high learning curve on stealth, where it's harder than most games, but about on par with the old Splinter Cell games. With all that, what exactly is...
  5. O

    Poll: Would you ever want your favourite game franchise to end?

    Well, I can tell you, before 6 March 2012, I didn't want the world/universe of Mass Effect to end, and was hoping they'd develop the series beyond the Trilogy. As of about 10 March 2012, Casey Hudson and the whole of Bioware effectively killed any interest I had in ME, what with that...
  6. O

    The Ethics of "Project Harpoon"

    Ignoring the aggressive tone: I dunno, Bad News Brian, Scumbag Stacy/Steve, Overly Attached Girlfriend seemed to own their internet personas, whether or not they behave like that in reality. It's all about one's perspective on the thing: it's part of why /r/RoastMe is taking off; some people...
  7. O

    I live in Japan. Ask me stuff!

    Hi, due to work I'm about to move to Yokosuka, are you familiar with the area, and if so, how does it compare to other regions (Tokyo, Osaka, etc.)? Also, with the racism thing, how do Japanese people as a whole, feel about other Asian races, such as Filipinoes, Viets, etc.? Thanks in advance...
  8. O

    So apparently the new Fant4stic is the Green Lantern of 2015

    Too right. However comics Doom is a multi-faceted character with a large amount of depth, and not just a mustache-twirling caricature of evil; there's no way he could fit into the Hollywood morals of black-and-white/good-vs-evil .
  9. O

    POSSIBLE SPOILERS! Does anyone else think that the Arrow flashbacks are getting a bit out of hand?

    quote="CommanderL" post="18.872562.21894020"] second season was amazing the flash backs really tied well into the current plot of the season Gonna have to disagree on that. The second season was so god-awful, not even Manu Bennett's amazing turn as Deathstroke could save the...
  10. O

    5 Live Action Kids Movies that Make Guys Cry

    Who's been cutting onions around here? Why do I feel raindrops from my eyes, and yet it's not raining? Anyways, gets even worse if you subscribe to the fan theory that Littlefoot and co. died, and the Great Valley was dino-heaven.
  11. O

    Current competitive games for free?

    As you say, if you don't mind genre conventions, I would suggest Smite, a third-person MOBA. 1) The client itself is downloaded from the website, so it bypasses the distribution criteria. 2) Auto-attacks work much like any TPS mechanics, so it's a natural transition if you're used to it. 3)...