Recent content by OurGloriousLeader

  1. O

    Poll: Sexual Assault

    There's no compelling evidence that there is a 'high prevalence of false reports' in sexual crimes, unless you use different criteria for shoddy research for that. It's a compelling myth that men like to believe women lie about it - guess it's more comforting.
  2. O

    Its 'sensationalism' and we know it.

    I think the kneejerk rejection of such issues is as sensationalist as the more extreme nit-picky forms of social awareness - the latter of which I tend to find almost always has a kernel of truth.
  3. O

    Jimquisition: The FarCry Racism Adventure

    Man people really struggling with this concept? So many denials of racial aspects, that any accusation of racism has merit, hur-dur video games don't matter *plays 50 hours a week of games*. There was a clear racial/caste them in the image, and though it may not be what people assumed it was...
  4. O

    A mod ruined Skyrim for me.

    Rather than making this post, why didn't you look into the mods more? The briefest research would've shown how wrong you were.
  5. O

    Announcing The Escapist Reader's Choice Game of the Year 2013 Bracket

    I hope Last Light beats Infinite and TLOU - for a linear atmospheric experience, it was better I think.
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    A Game You Wished Sold Well, But Didn't :(

    Considering the financial failure of the game, franchise, and company, I'm guessing Red Faction: Guerrilla didn't sell enough, but I loved that game.
  7. O

    Political Correctness and Halloween Costumes

    "Political Correctness" is one of those buzzwords that pretty much identifies the user as having no interest in the actual issue, beyond a blanket moan about how it's vaguely made them think about others.
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    Jimquisition: Creative Freedom, Strings Attached

    I think we should focus less on defending the producer's right to create as they wish, as it's implicit (certainly haven't seen any proposed censorship or enforced gender quotas, have we?), and more on defending legitimate criticism and why that should be listened to, even if not agreed with...
  9. O

    Should Feminism and Gaming Mix?

    Feel free to continue to play video games and not engage with the issues then. Don't really understand what different criticism is doing to stop you.
  10. O

    Poll: Let's Get Some Honesty, Shall We? (Regarding Big Breasts/Sexy Female Game Characters)

    1) Who's calling for extermination? Let's go with serious commentators and substantiated argument as examples, please - because if you just want to bring up a list of horrible things said in this debate, I think the other 'side' wins. 2) This is a completely separate issues from...
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    Poll: Let's Get Some Honesty, Shall We? (Regarding Big Breasts/Sexy Female Game Characters)

    If you're not interested in the issues then that's fine, you're under no obligation to do so, but when you then call people's opinions on those issues stupid, you're approaching from, at best, a position of apathy, and at worst a position of ignorance. And destroy? As ever with this issue...
  12. O

    Poll: Let's Get Some Honesty, Shall We? (Regarding Big Breasts/Sexy Female Game Characters)

    Rather leading poll. You don't have to be utterly offended to raise issue with something. I don't see why we should expect gaming to be taken more seriously if, every time an issue is raised from a different angle, we uproar that it's "just video games and pixels" and ask if someone is "honestly...
  13. O

    Movie Defense Force: Transformers

    I think most of the backlash was against Revenge of the Fallen. Genuinely the worst film ever made.
  14. O

    Poll: Beautiful Game Endings: Do They Bring You To Tears?

    Man I nearly teared up at the end of the TGS/Polaris Pacific Rim video, and it wasn't exactly an emotional journey. I'm a 20-something man going through menopause.
  15. O

    Is the whole "Games as art" mainly kind of a misnomer?

    I think generally people are just discussing whether video games have the capacity to be art. So yeah, I guess it's worth pointing that out.