Recent content by P912

  1. P

    "GET OVER HERE!" phrases that are engraved in your brain years later

    Hmmmm... "Murder time, FUN TIME!" from Saints Row "I should go" Mass Effect Would throw up a few quotes from The Wolf Among Us but I feel that's for a different forum
  2. P

    Zack Snyder Officially Debuts New Dawn of Justice Batmobile

    A machine gun turret? A MACHINE GUN TURRET? Well there's no way anyone's worried that Ben Affleck will be the one to ruin this movie any more, though I guess between Watchmen and Man Of Steel we should expected something like this.
  3. P

    Stuff we don't want at E3

    Models in skimpy clothing. I'm insulted at the amount of publishers who think I'll buy Call of Honour 12: Modern Battlefield just because they put some pretty girl in a bikini in front of their booth. I love pretty girls in bikinis and everything but I'm not a horny lonely 35 year old virgin...
  4. P

    The Walking Dead Pinball - Now With Telltale's Choice-Driven Gameplay

    But it isn't even April 1st.... Oh god... I think they're serious.
  5. P

    Ground Zeroes Rape Apologists Baffle Me

    Yeah except there are no murder victims walking around. And the act of killing someone is justified in certain circumstances e.g. self defence. Rape is such a tramautizing and inexcusable crime that it should only be treated with restraint and care. For example, it shouldn't be a random event...
  6. P

    Poll: Ask the Iron Ruler - Q&A with an Israeli Soldier

    K well let's do this, I will do my best to be respectful to your religion and nationality, any questions you feel are simply insensitive or misinformed or repetitive, don't feel like you have to answer them. 1: Do you believe there is a place for Arabs in Israel? While I understand it was...
  7. P

    Candy Crush Dev: Microtransactions Are The Future of Games

    So this guy wants to force us to adopt to this system? He's not even attempting to justify it? Or pretend it has some benefit to us? His entire attitude is "Yeah we know it's crap but it's what all the cool kids are doing these days so just get with the program"? May his crops be riddled...
  8. P

    Captain America Vs. The Tyranny Of "Dark"

    Yeah I'm also just quoting for a possible reply tbh sorry ;-D But what I find about these dark and nasty characters is that they seem to be a reaction to the rash of antiheroes on TV e.g. Tony Soprano, Dexter, etc. But what a lot of people seem to miss is that they only work if they do bad...
  9. P

    Poll: Do you think there will be more openly gay prime minsters and presidents in the next 20 years

    Within 20 years? Definitely. In my opinion, it would still have to be a homosexual with a family e.g. they would still need the money shots of Jack Awesome with his loyal partner John Awesome and their three happy smiling adopted kids. My gut tells me that this has two implications: this stable...
  10. P

    Worst waste of story telling potential that annoyed you.

    God damn fucking useless waste of potential screwed like a ***** by dissonant gameplay mechanics Brink. It had an ambiguous and complex story that actually cleverly humanizes and criticizes both the sides of authority and rebellion, constructing the conflict to stem from frustrated leaders who...
  11. P

    Character Loyalty

    Mass Effect with Tali and Garrus. We defeated Saren together, we stormed the Collector Base together, and we fought to the Citadel together. Tali Zorah vas Normandy and Garrus Vakarian every time. Apart from that, I never really got that attached to the companions that I would want them...
  12. P

    Fox Business: LEGO Movie "Anti-Capitalist"

    Well now I HAVE to go see this movie. Although if this is how they react to a cartoonishly evil CEO in a kids movie, can't wait to see them react to Lex Luthor. "Is Zack Snyder trying to make ruthless businessmen who think their hard work excuses them from basic morality look like the BAD...
  13. P

    Watson AI Tasked With Improving Africa via "Project Lucy"

    I would simply look at the suggestions it makes and treat them as such: advice. Possible solutions. It's nice to see the wonders of the digital age being used for the benefit of people outside the first world, but at the same time, if it says we should eat all the babies or set the poor on fire...
  14. P

    Before clicking this, think of a game franchise. Any game franchise.

    Thought of Assassin's Creed. Aiden Pearce, Jason Brody, Vaas, Altair, Ezio, Connor and Edward Kenway, Aveline, Rayman... This actually sounds kind of awesome and possible.
  15. P

    Poll: What do you think of Connor Kenway, protagonist of Assassin's Creed 3?

    Wow, lots of passionate and well explained disagreements. Before I launch into my rebuttals, thank you for contributing significantly. Now then... There was that side to his character. Then he let the most marginalized citizens of the colonies start a new life in the Homestead, such as an...