Recent content by powergamer8

  1. powergamer8

    Poll: Do you give blood?

    I can't because I take, If I could I would.
  2. powergamer8

    Tintin Trailer

    So on the 28th I took my little brother to see Kung fu Panda and was surprised to see a trailer for an Tintin movie. I read these growing up and I'm very interested in seeing this it looks quite good and I wonder what the other members of the escapist think of this trailer. The link is...
  3. powergamer8

    Student Exposes My Little Pony's Faulty Science

    But according to Clarke's third law and i quote, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". There for these pony's might just be millions of years ahead of us science wise.
  4. powergamer8

    Mental instability.

    i have Bipolar disorder.
  5. powergamer8

    Little things you missed

    Have you ever played through a sequel to a game and wished that the makers hadn't changed/removed something small or unimportant to the overall game? My example of this is that one my first playthrough of dragon age 2 I missed that each weapon had a little description with its stats, telling...
  6. powergamer8

    There's Starving People in Africa...

    Yes it is sad, but we should fix our country before we go into there?s.
  7. powergamer8

    Poll: Dragon Age 2 Hero?

    So I recently played Dragon Age again to have a good character to import to Dragon age 2. In this game I played a male Mage and romanced Morrigan. I chose to have a child with Morrigan so Alistair could take the throne and nether of us would die. Then I played All the DLC, when I finished...
  8. powergamer8

    Battle: Los Angeles = District 9 II?

    Yes most alien films are that black and white, aliens bad humans good. Keep in mind humans don't always win in the movies though.
  9. powergamer8

    Here, Have a Playable Angry Birds Birthday Cake, Son

    I want one so badly.
  10. powergamer8

    You can wipe one MOVIE of the face of the planet...

    I don't think anyone has said it so I will THE SUPER MAIRO BROS MOVIE It was the worst thing I ever saw.
  11. powergamer8

    Whats the next big videogame lie?

    Ok, recently we have had that whole videogame cases rape incident, so I ask you all what do you think the next big video game accusation/lie is going to be about? My guess is that someone will say that a videogame will give children heart tumours.
  12. powergamer8

    Is it stealing to pirate a game you own physicaly but cant install

    Wow thats a hard one, I think you still are technically pirating the game.
  13. powergamer8

    The most mundane/inane thing you were amazed in a game

    A videogame salesman in mass effect 2.
  14. powergamer8

    Review - Fable 3

    I only recently bought a 360 and bought fable 3 for my first game. Since I haven?t played the first two games I might not have a good picture of the games but I was really disappointed with the game. To list a few thing the Length, moral choice system and the equipment menu. Am I right about...
  15. powergamer8

    Review - Fable 3

    I only recently bought a 360 and bought fable 3 for my first game. Since I haven?t played the first two games I might not have a good picture of the games but I was really disappointed with the game. To list a few thing the Length, moral choice system and the equipment menu. Am I right about...