Recent content by Quellist

  1. Quellist

    In what situation is it socially acceptable for a 20 year old to date a teenager?

    If they are over the age of consent it's nobodies business except theirs and yours. That said the bigger the age gap the less you're likely to have in common
  2. Quellist

    EA thinks gamers don't enjoy single player games anymore.....

    EA only cares about bottom lines "Players don't like singleplayer" means "We don't care what players think about singleplayer, multiplayer games make us more money"
  3. Quellist

    EA on why lootboxes aren't cosmetics only; Because "it's not canon"

    This is so pathetically false I can't even be arsed to post the Bender "Let me laugh harder" clip...
  4. Quellist

    You have just been sent into the world of you favorite game. However,

    I'm living in Yharnam? I lock my doors, bolt them, pile furniture in front of them then lock myself in the cellar until morning! Assuming i live that long my first priority the next day is getting the fuck out of this place!
  5. Quellist

    Battlefront 2 officially considered gambling

    Although it technically makes no difference to whether its gambling or not with physical cards you have a product with value outside of the companies control. You can play those cards, trade them with other people and display them however you like. With lootboxes you can't use your 'rewards'...
  6. Quellist

    So about all of this sexual assault...

    People love outrage, scandal and a reason to hate on someone, especially if that someone embodies or espouses a belief they don't share. Basically Slipknot put it best People=Shit
  7. Quellist

    I wanna talk about Lootboxes

    Yeah I know, gateway drug and all, I came late to the party because i never played CS:GO, Overwatch or anything else that had them. Once they started appearing in genres that interested me i sat up and took notice but by that time Cosmetic only wasn't even a thing anymore
  8. Quellist

    I wanna talk about Lootboxes

    You honestly think its ok to make a game super grindy just to encourage people to spend real money? I don't care when it's cosmetic but when game design suffers for the sake of monetizing the product, that's fucking wrong!
  9. Quellist

    Is MGS5 best open world game this generation?

    Breath of the Wild and Witcher 3 kick it to the kerb. When Xenoblade Chronicles 2 comes out likely it will get kicked even harder
  10. Quellist

    Games for when you're feeling down

    Grand Theft Auto+Flamethrower+Crowd=Job Done Or if not the Flamer then Sniper Rifle from a Bridge/Overpass
  11. Quellist

    Any good (opposite of evil) necromancers in fiction?

    Mortegro from Ultima 7 part 2 the Serpent Isle was a good Necromancer, technically a Necromage but same area of expertise. He didn't raise the dead just summoned their spirits to communicate with them, usually to pass on messages to or from them to loved ones...
  12. Quellist

    I'm utterly sick of Game of Thrones

    It was alright for a while, but after nothing really happened and everyone i knew who had read the books kept getting unutterably smug about every revelation I decided fuck this shit. My only regret about not watching it now is that as they apparently went off story the book readers are...
  13. Quellist

    Introducing the new Doctor

    First canon mention that i know of was in "The Doctor's Wife" Moffat era but a good episode written by Neil Gaiman. That said i don't think many genuine fans are going to be outraged, just people jumping on the bandwagon. Personally i'm just delighted we're seeing the back of Moffat and...
  14. Quellist

    Poll: Doctor Who: Best "Old" Doctor

    Totally agree. McCoy's first season wasn't so good but oh boy was the second an improvement
  15. Quellist

    Feeling sick after not eating for 14 days

    Don't be an idiot. Start eating again, see a doctor. You want extreme dieting? I lost 11 1/2 stone in a year from walking 5 miles a day and eating 1700 calories, no sugar and cutting down to skimmed milk. Believe me or not i don't care BUT you must balance your diet properly if you reduce...