Recent content by qwertyzxy27

  1. qwertyzxy27

    Your weird phobia/ thing you just can't stand

    I have Ménière's Disease which can cause unusual sensitivity to sound. In my case I am unable to comfortably listen to music. It elicits the same kind of fight or flight response as a crowd would for an agoraphobe. The phobia itself is called melophobia or melody-phobia. I am essentially afraid...
  2. qwertyzxy27

    Non-exaggerated Games?

    I highly recommend little game called Mount and Blade Warband. The difficulty sliders only effect how much damage enemies do to you. So your weapons will pretty much one or two shot most enemies but on higher difficulties so do theirs. The game is in a medieval setting no magic or fantasy...
  3. qwertyzxy27

    Poll: So, how much sleep do you actually get per night?

    Dat Bell Curve! OT: I get very little sleep an average of 5. Mostly because I hate sleeping as my dreams are either incredibly boring or nightmares :D
  4. qwertyzxy27

    Music that have physical effect on you

    No songs touch my emotions deeply but music does have a strong effect on me! I have an anxiety disorder that causes the Fear or hatred of music Music can make me feel anxious nauseous and even give me headaches. Every song and type of music is a source of discomfort for me the condition is...
  5. qwertyzxy27

    What are your irrational fears?

    Well I have an anxiety disorder called Melophobia that causes the fear or hatred of music. beyond that shaking hands talking on the phone crowds whipped cream
  6. qwertyzxy27

    So on the subject of used games "killing the industry"

    So I have been doing some reading on developers complaining about how used games are causing gameagedon. My question is why would it be so difficult to make used game retailers pay royalties to the developers for their property? The music industry is no stranger to this if a radio station wants...
  7. qwertyzxy27

    Poll: Would you date a transgendered person?

    I didn't fit in the above categories I am a Gay male and would Date an FtM. I find myself very attracted to FtM guys. Luckily a large portion of the transgender community is bi so I have a shot :D
  8. qwertyzxy27

    Poll: Blood Doning

    Its illegal for me to give blood :/ cause I'm gay
  9. qwertyzxy27

    Which video game character would you cosplay as if you could.

    I cosplayed Navi for Halloween this year
  10. qwertyzxy27

    Why Keep Your Wallet In Your Back Pocket?

    I keep my wallet in my manbag of manliness
  11. qwertyzxy27

    Which friend are you?

    Im that friend from a movie that everyone wants to see more of but if they got their own spin off it would be terrible. Like Luna Lovegood or something
  12. qwertyzxy27

    What if Saints Row 3, Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, and MW3 (if you're still into that) turn out to be bad?

    If Skyrim is bad i will kill myself, I don't care if that makes me the biggest loser on the planet, that's how i feel. I will just go jump off a bridge, end of story.
  13. qwertyzxy27

    The game that took your frustration virginity

    GYM LEADER M EFFIN WHITNEY MY ARCH NEMESIS OF GAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. qwertyzxy27

    Poll: Are you afraid of Death ?

    I answered yes because i am inherently afraid of simply stopping existing. However an instantaneous death would be no big deal if didn't see it coming that would actually be like a blessing being sparred the problems of life after all you wont have to care you will be dead! ahhaha
  15. qwertyzxy27

    Say Something Nice About Another Country

    Britain gave the world Julie Andrews and for that i shall be eternally grateful!!!!!!!!!!!