Recent content by randomrob

  1. randomrob

    Anti-Rape underwear

    As if there wasn't enough hysteria about rape. Congratulations company, yet another source encouraging women to be paranoid about a statistically very rare form of violent crime in order to extort money out of them. As if it suggests wearing these on a date! If you think it's likely that your...
  2. randomrob

    Poll: Male Gamers: Do you consider Kratos aspirational?

    He's a murderous thug. Rockin' body, but a murderous thug. How is he aspirational?
  3. randomrob

    Better Representing Muslims: A Few Ideas

    I don't know. I think it's just often called that because the western culture post enlightenment holds secularism as a value (or it claims to) I think that White Nationalists and I hold our views for different reasons, and whilst I don't wish to appear too self-serving, I think my reasons...
  4. randomrob

    Better Representing Muslims: A Few Ideas

    Who admires Hitler? No-one I know who holds that Islam is fundamentally (in its pre-enlightenment form) incompatible with Western Secularism admires Hitler. At least not his espoused views on Ethnic cleansing or German/Aryan superiority. Who's discriminating against Muslims? I'm talking...
  5. randomrob

    Topless Women Not Breaking The Law, Says NYPD

    I would rather that everyone wore clothes on both their top and their bottom halves. But seeing as I live in a country where it's too cold for this sort of shit to be an issue, it really doesn't make all that much difference to me.
  6. randomrob

    Rory Kinnear offered the role of Dr Who

    In original series canon he has two left including this one, but the writers are almost certainly going to retcon this. OT I think this guy looks good. Love his voice.
  7. randomrob

    This Vita hate train is getting ridiculous.

    I would buy the Vita if I wanted a handheld particularly. But the only thing that ever convinced me to buy the gameboy, gameboy advance and DS was Pokemon. If the Vita had Monster Hunter I might consider it, but for most gaming I just use my PC or my PS3 and handhelds feel kind of redundant.
  8. randomrob

    Poll: Do you want an apology?

    I neither want nor require an apology from people who have wronged me. I all ready know they were wrong, the fact they've finally worked that out as well is of no consequence to me. What happened happened, and dwelling in the past is unproductive.
  9. randomrob

    I like Midichlorians

    Which again, would make sense if magical ability (or the potential for it) is inherited genetically, occasionally the trait arises in muggle families, or disappears in wizarding ones. It's never stated outright that it's genetic, but one of the major plot points in Harry Potter is that some of...
  10. randomrob

    I like Midichlorians

    I agree with the OP, Midichlorians take away one of the few stupid things about the original trilogy i.e. why would the force be strong in a particular family? Is this mystical, all-powerful force nepotistic? No, force sensitivity has a biological component inherited genetically. Simple. It...
  11. randomrob

    My first shiny!

    I caught two shiny Woopers in the same place one after the other in Soulsilver, so now I have a pair of Shiny Purple Quagsires. I also got a gold Magikarp in Platinum, which evolved into a red Gyrados...
  12. randomrob

    Doctor Who Series 7.10: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS

    Boring convoluted plot, contradiction of previously established canon as to what the Eye of Harmony is, more "intrigue" about the "mystery" of Clara, and more hints about how Steven Moffat is going to endeavour to kill the series more than he has done all ready by revealing the Doctor's name...
  13. randomrob

    So , what's the point of being in a relationship.

    If you don't get it, then you either never will, or someone will make you understand when/if you fall in love for the first time. Love is not rational or measurable. It's a strange, scary but insatiable desire to be with someone, to show them how you see the world, and have them show you in...
  14. randomrob

    Poll: Hoping a Couple Breaks Up; Right/Wrong?

    Something is only morally wrong if you intend to do something morally wrong, or you did something morally wrong deliberately. Wishing things were different is never wrong. It's only if you act on those desires that they can have moral properties. To take a nice controversial example: Being...
  15. randomrob

    Could You Date A Transexual?

    I could and would date anyone I was attracted to if they agreed to do so. The mind is more important than the body.