Recent content by rasmusernst

  1. rasmusernst

    BioWare Could Move Away from Fantasy and Sci-Fi

    Nope, didn't think of any of those. Though DA is great, so is Mass Effect. Bioware is, in my mind, somehow always connected with Neverwinter Nights. Think it's because I fiddled around with the engine a bit and did a few new game models. The models back then were pretty simple as I recall them...
  2. rasmusernst

    What Classic D&D Monster Are You?

    Got Mindflayer. Nice. One of the only races to ever get the better of Drizzt. Also, I liked the Conan the Barbarian reference:
  3. rasmusernst

    So... the Skyrim theme.

    The old theme digs up a lot of good memories from Morrowind and Oblivion. And that "savage" treatment they've given it really makes me want to go explore the land of the viki...eer Nords. Looking forward to this one. Huge world to explore, epic music. Hmm... Maybe I should start a new...
  4. rasmusernst

    A Real Animal You Never Want to Meet

    A goblin shark. Those things creep me out. Here's a video.
  5. rasmusernst

    What Does Cleverbot Say About YOU?

    User: What do you think of me? Cleverbot: You're cool! *gives high five*.
  6. rasmusernst

    The Movie Nerd Bible: Part I

    Have a look at this one as well: The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) It's not really Movie Nerd Bible material but I think it's at least worth mentioning. I see it as sort of an early version of the Saw movies... And the hula-hoop kids do seem to like...
  7. rasmusernst

    Quiz: How Cold Is Your Heart?

    Why has there been a Bladerunner reference in the last two quizes?
  8. rasmusernst

    Take this Quiz to Discover What Kind of Gamer You Are!

    Got the Grouper. Except I don't really play multiplayer. I'm more of a story, character and gameplay guy. So, no, your quiz wasn't accurate. Sorry guys.
  9. rasmusernst

    Unskippable: Magna Carta 2

    15 is legal here :P
  10. rasmusernst

    Gamings Greatest Soundtracks

    HL2 has some good music:
  11. rasmusernst

    Game played by yelling at it

    XD I haven't played Nintendogs but I can see how calling you phone Hitler and screaming "SIEG HEIL!" at it, while on the train might cause some problems. You'd probably have to convince the conductor that you've got tourette syndrome just to be allowed to stay on.
  12. rasmusernst

    Game played by yelling at it

    In my case, voice commands and nonsensical screaming is the same thing :-)
  13. rasmusernst

    Game played by yelling at it

    Just found this video of a game being played by yelling at it. Nothing much to discuss here, just wanted to share. That would be a great iphone app though. People would just randomly start screaming at their phone over and over again. Not...
  14. rasmusernst

    If Gordon Freeman could say one sentence, what would it be?

    We know what he'd say... in fact he's kind of an assholde and he won't shut up.
  15. rasmusernst

    Crysis Delorean mod

    Somebody made a pretty funny delorean mod for crysis. MARTY!