Recent content by ReincarnatedFTP

  1. ReincarnatedFTP

    Greek triple jumper expelled from Olympics for racist Tweet that wasn't actually racist.

    The Golden Dawn is basically a Neo-Nazi terrorist group, who recently got power because of the undemocratic banker coup in Greece. BNP/EDL are similarly neo-nazi groups, even if they won't admit it. And socialists and communists already get fucked with all the time for no reason in the US.
  2. ReincarnatedFTP

    Greek triple jumper expelled from Olympics for racist Tweet that wasn't actually racist.

    Especially when that group is currently in the middle of murdering and assaulting Greek civilians, you know, terrorists. She's a terrorist supporter, if not one herself. Depending on her level of involvement she should be shot in the streets/locked in jail for life.
  3. ReincarnatedFTP

    Greek triple jumper expelled from Olympics for racist Tweet that wasn't actually racist.

    I think she deserved it. Especially considering that's the kind of shit fueling literal pogroms on immigrants and minorities in Greece by the Golden Dawn and the police forces. Good thing the anarchists are willing to fight back and literally beat them down in the streets, even the Golden Dawn...
  4. ReincarnatedFTP

    Obama proposes requiring students to stay in high school

    Anyone who has spent time with small children knows how much they love to learn. From the very beginning, they imitate everyone around them. Without this instinct enabling every new generation to pick up the knowledge and the skills of the previous ones, our species would have gone extinct long...
  5. ReincarnatedFTP

    If you were God, what would you do?

    Absolutely nothing. I might use the immortality bit to save me from dying of aging but not from "unnatural" causes like crashes, shootings, etc. etc. and I wouldn't use any supernatural powers to intervene in human affairs for any reason whatsoever. I'm just taking the "you know you've done...
  6. ReincarnatedFTP

    First thoughts when you hear germany?

    I remember that you bad mofos were the ones who invented the black bloc tactic. That's the one that sticks most into my mind. The most recent thing I've read concerning Germany?
  7. ReincarnatedFTP

    existentialist crisis

    I think to myself constantly non-stop all the time. I spend alot of time alone in my room or just walking around my campus, or just waiting on this or that thinking. It's funny, because I remember going over schizophrenia in my psych class and one of the basic ideas was how they showed...
  8. ReincarnatedFTP

    Why DO people hate Nickelback?

    This is what I mean lyrically. Nickelback has lyrics about equal with Kesha's "I brush my teeth with a bottle of jack" or whatever. And their music is the same quality.
  9. ReincarnatedFTP

    Why DO people hate Nickelback?

    -The singing is horrible -The lyrics are more horrible -The actual instrumental parts are okay but it seems like they never change things up. The word "cookie cutter" comes to mind. -And I guess part of it is they're commercially successful somehow. The majority (but not all) of commercially...
  10. ReincarnatedFTP

    Poll: are anti heroes evil? red lantern corps edition!

    I don't consider anti-heroes evil. In fact, I usually prefer them over "lawful good" heroes. Case from Neuromancer and Spike from Cowboy Bebop are my favorite fictional heroes if that gives you any indication of where I stand.
  11. ReincarnatedFTP

    Willing to consider: Scr/EMO

    La Dispute and (ONLY) the first album of MCR.
  12. ReincarnatedFTP

    What does it mean to be poor?

    To be a person with the inability to access: Food Shelter Healthcare Education All of which should (to some degree, not necessarily completely) be universal and provided by the government in a modern first world developed democracy.
  13. ReincarnatedFTP

    What are these people bitching about?

    Well the main thing from a moderate point of view would be that we repealed and need to bring back Glass Steagall act, which separated investment and commercial banks, thus curbing the consequences of extreme greed. The main drive behind our current economic woes is deregulation. Booms and busts...
  14. ReincarnatedFTP

    So has anyone heard about this protest on Wall Street?

    Yeah. I'm a participant actually. After OWS started, cities around the world and across the country started up their own in solidarity. Went to Occupy Birmingham last night (Alabama, the US state, not the UK one) and 170 people showed up+ news coverage. It was covered on most of the local...
  15. ReincarnatedFTP

    The Escapist's opinion on 'Dubstep'?

    Thanks, that was awesome. That's one more of maybe about ten dubstep songs I like!