Recent content by rhodriharris

  1. R

    Misanthropes: I don't get you.

    Well I think the problem is that the feeling is largely mutual.
  2. R

    At the end of 1984 by George Orwell...

    I get the feeling you missed the point somewhat. Most of Oceanic society is based off the U.S.S.R under Stalin for example the Two Minutes Hate portrayal of Emmanuel Goldstein (Trotsky) and anyone who spoke out against The Party. The Subjugation of the masses is influenced by the time he spent...
  3. R

    Looking fora Good Dark Comedy!

    Weirdsville and The Savages. Both fantastically funny and fantastically dark.
  4. R

    Was the water temple in Ocarina of Time really that difficult?

    I would not describe it as difficult but teadious.
  5. R

    "Only the shallow know themselves." What do you think?

    That is what I think in general but on the most part I refuse to beleve that people are simle enough to be simply known and to assume otherwise is an insult to us all.
  6. R

    "Only the shallow know themselves." What do you think?

    Of all the intriguing things that Oscar Wilde said this is the one thing that I find the the most interesting and if only because I can't deside if it is right as while I feel that I do not fully know my self but as I am only 16 this might just be down to a lack of experience in being me. What...
  7. R

    Poll: Morality Systems Break Games

    I don't think they break games but I also think they are done poorly. Morality is a very subjective thing and as such is very dificult thing to accuratly portray in a binary system (wich is the only way I can remember it being done). I think players should be made to make desisions and that...
  8. R

    Post some useless trivia.

    Lord Wellington intended his last words to be "I have done my duty to Queen and Country, now I may leave". However on his deathbed a servant asked him if he would like a cup of tea he replied "Yes but make it quick" and died before the servant left the room. Also on the topic of last words...
  9. R

    Recommend a great Sci Fi

    I don't know of any si-fi films but if you are interested in a good si-fi book then I would recomend anything written by Iain M Banks. I found The Use of Weapons in particular very enjoyable but again he is not exactly obscure.
  10. R

    What is your all time favourite anime?

    Probably Last Exile.I realy enjoyed the story and general premiss plus it's steampunk the value of that can not be understated.
  11. R

    This will be fun

    Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 44 75 1 44
  12. R

    Share your results on this personality disorder test

    Paranoid: Very High Schizoid: High Schizotypal: High Antisocial: High Borderline: Very High Histrionic: High Narcissistic: High Avoidant: Very High Dependent: Very High Obsessive-Compulsive: High I apparantly have problems