Recent content by RN7

  1. RN7

    No more Skyrim DLC

    I'm rather glad. I liked Skyrim and all, but I'd much prefer to see new content of the post-apocalyptic shooting rpg sort be produced. Or at the very least, a legitimate, large expansion to Skyrim proper.
  2. RN7

    California Senator Wants Fewer Guns in Games

    Don't worry; the blood of innocents isn't cheap at all. I'm sure that in the terrible future where this law is somehow passed and enforced, after about 2 more mass murders involving mentally unstable people who may or may not have played super mario world 3 for more than 15 minutes at a time at...
  3. RN7

    Escape to the Movies: Evil Dead

    So I take it this iteration of evil dead lacks verbose, testosterone-injected chainsaw arms and shotguns. That is disappointing and I will mostly stick with Army of Darkness. That's actually the only Evil Dead movie I've seen and I know little of the previous titles, other than they were more...
  4. RN7

    US History and actual History.

    Our involvement in Operation Condor is super-downplayed, especially in lower level history course, so much so that many I've spoken to know nothing about it. One would assume that American involvement in a pretty hostile, totalitarian takeover of a large majority of South America for the sake...
  5. RN7

    Saints Row IV Could Have Had President Colbert and Dragons

    Whatever of manner of mind-altering substances these men have acquired, I must have them. In all seriousness I don't really see how hammer-wielding monkey being shot out of a gun that inevitably would have just been a few plates with a trigger and several angry primates with mallets...
  6. RN7

    Update: Richard Garriott: "Most Game Designers Really Just Suck"

    Garriott may have been harsh in declaration that there are few good designers, he did bring up a valid point. Most who want to and are successful in breaking into the industry do so with training that makes them better suited to roles such as programming, writing, or art design. However, being...
  7. RN7

    Zynga: Tablets Are Becoming The Ultimate Game Platform

    I agree. Tablets are the ultimate, for Zynga. They're games are so simplistically designed that they could break into the market easily. However, you can't play the most intuitive games, like the Skyrims, the Dishonoreds, the Far Crys, the Crysises, on a tablet because they can't meet...
  8. RN7

    LoadingReadyRun: The Theatre of the Mind

    Beej's pitiable foolishness was palpable in this skit. I am amused and applaud his acting capability. This reminded me of the time me and a couple of my friends were playing an modified version of MiniSix at this local convention. The original campaign was intended to be a generic...
  9. RN7

    Poll: Do you play D&D?

    I've played a few times with a group of friends. We've never really had time to finish anything major, but it was fun nonetheless. I've played several versions (3.5, Pathfinder, 4e and even the pre-release version of Next), and would really like to finish a campaign someday.
  10. RN7

    Science Creates a Starcraft II Galactic Expansion Model

    I'd postulate that in conditions upon which the races did not encounter competition of sufficient scale when reaching a colonizable planet, the Zerg would be the best fit, simply due to their inherit capabilities to adapt to environmental conditions to a better extent than the Terran or Protoss...
  11. RN7

    Dude, Not Funny!

    Humor is a very fickle god. Everything or nothing at all can be funny. It's just dependent on the person, and in some cases, the victim. For example, a former acquaintance of mine takes serious pride in screwing with people for his personal enjoyment, going so far as to attack their religious...
  12. RN7

    Mew-Genics Sounds Horrifying and Amazing

    bI read the little excerpt from McMillen and proceeded to burst out laughing. Before this, I wasn't considering buying this game because Team Meat stuff tends to be outside of my interests, and I was never one for Tamagotchi or Animal Crossing. Now, this will probably be one of the only games I...
  13. RN7

    V-day and your plans

    Originally I had planned to do the same thing I had always done on Valentine's Day- absolutely nothing that differentiates that day from any other during the year. But after seeing the LRR Valentine's Day video, I must say, the idea of going around and spying on other couples does sound rather...
  14. RN7

    Gaming on Windows 8

    The operating system is pretty horrible, but it runs most games ok. You might run into a few issues with some older titles but overall it's fine. My few problems never even came about due to the OS itself - my experience with a Windows 8 laptop was ruined by the fact that the laptop didn't have...
  15. RN7

    DOTA 2: "Sorry, no new people welcome"

    I wasn't speaking statistically- plus, as of right now, there are only about 100k to 200k regular players according to the tracking stats provided in game. I was speaking more so of the resources available. If you search for a bit, you could easily find league tutorials in the form of the videos...