Recent content by Roland Gutwein

  1. R

    Have you ever had player's remorse?

    My moment came on my second playthrough of Knights of the Old Republic. After being a hero the first time around, I had every intention of playing through as a 'bad guy'- you know, to get the 'full effect' of the game. The longer I played, the worse I felt, until I finally just gave up. That's...
  2. R

    Something Everyone Loves But you HATE HATE HATE!

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It was hailed for its 'awesome' writing and original story. Not only was the game play clunky and annoyingly repetitive to me (I'm looking at you, 'crash the Star Destroyer' level), but I fail to see how using the main villains from the movies as the main...
  3. R

    Getting the Spider off Jill is the worst boss battle ever.

    The Force Unleashed. The scene where you have to crash a Star Destroyer. With your mind. Sounds cool in theory. In practice, it was a frustrating, repetitive grind.
  4. R

    Say something nice about Mass Effect 3.

    "I am Garrus Vakarian, and this is my favorite place on the Citadel!" :)
  5. R

    Green lantern Movie

    Worst comic turned into film? Have you SEEN Batman and Robin? "Ice to see you!"? I thought Green Lantern just got a bad rap. I thought it was 'meh', but not the 'it will bring about the end of Superhero movies' level.
  6. R

    Do you associate songs with particular games?

    I'm sure there has been a thread about this before, but I haven't seen it surface recently, and I'm curious: When playing a game (or after the fact) do you ever associate a specific song with that game? Below are a few games I have played and songs I associate with them: Knights of the...
  7. R

    Things the Star Wars Special Editions Did Right

    I'm a 'true fan' of Star Wars. I do believe that the original trilogy was (on the whole) better than the prequel trilogy. But I do not share the rabid hate of the prequels that many fans do- and it does grate on me a little when other 'true fans' rag on folks who like the prequels. To each their...
  8. R

    I'm a billionaire and I'm giving you the money to make your dream game!

    Someone already said KotOR 3. But I'd still love to see that made. Barring that, I'd like to do something like "Star Wars: Smuggler". It would be set between the prequel and original Star Wars trilogies. You would take the role of a smuggler, start your career, build up your personal fortune...
  9. R

    ME3 ending is it really that bad?

    I would have considered myself the biggest Bioware fan in the world prior to this. Mass Effect especially. I had heard rumors about how bad the ending was, but chalked it up to people overreacting to speculation (as many had done prior to the game release). Unfortunately, the ending is bad. Very...