Recent content by salamarian

  1. salamarian

    Michael Jackson: The Game?

    It's called "moonwalker" I believe.
  2. salamarian

    OH NO!!! a Zombie Apocalypse, what videogame character do you want in your party?

    Either Frank West or Frank Horrigan. I can never decide.
  3. salamarian

    Game People Calling: The Games That Hurt

    The only game that really broke my heart was Army of Two: Fortieth day. I could feel my soul weeping at the end.
  4. salamarian

    Australian Christian Lobby Joins the Fight Against R18+ Game Ratings

    People are "pro-censorship"? Really? I'm pretty sure I like the government way the heck away from my stuff, but apparently that's just me.
  5. salamarian

    My Little Escapist Pony

    Good lord, you have made "My Little Pony" manly. I never thought I would see the day.
  6. salamarian

    Can you kill superman with a lightsaber

    well it only says he's immune to bullets, so I guess it's worth a shot.
  7. salamarian

    how about a bit of culture? shakespeare perhaps

    I'm fond of a spot of Macbeth. "...A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". Man I love that quote.
  8. salamarian

    Wii don't want achievements

    Am I the only person in the world who wasn't a big fan of Shadow Of The Colossus?
  9. salamarian

    Valve goes all biblical on fake server counts.

    I like the biblical touch.
  10. salamarian house just got egged

    My advice? Two words. Unholy vengeance. It's really the only way to go.
  11. salamarian

    Arcanum: Am I the only one...?

    I grew up with Arcanum. My brother always played it when I was little and my only problem with it is how much better tech is than magic. Everything magic can do tech can do better.
  12. salamarian

    BioWare Unleashes Dragon Age: Origins Launch Trailer

    Is it just me, or does the archer chick look like Fiona from Shrek?
  13. salamarian

    Jack the ripper

    I think Dr. Who just got bored for a little bit. I mean, if you were immortal, wouldn't you occasionally kill people?
  14. salamarian

    Science Proves Frank West's Zombie Survival Strategy Correct

    Why wouldn't you just go for, say, a well stocked tree house. zombies can't climb, no matter what lies left for dead says.
  15. salamarian

    What is you dream?

    I want to start a turtle farm, because the little beggars are so adorable.