Recent content by Seanchaidh

  1. S


    No, it is precisely accurate. They are there to absorb and channel energy from popular discontent in ways that serve (or at least don't threaten) the empire. Doesn't matter whether they are regarded as "in power" or not because they aren't the ones making the important decisions either way. So...
  2. S


    All that means is that it's less sophisticated. Not less tight. The same party; the same man! Not like here where there are two parties captured by the same interests which have lively debate about conservative Christian shibboleths, whether segregation should return, and some minor details of...
  3. S


    If that is your explanation, then I have to conclude that your rambling "... belief that an 'unorthodox' position is more credible because it is unorthodox is spectacularly naive..." is little more than lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. In terms of the grip on power of their rulers, they are very...
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  5. S

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    That's what domestic Banderite Nazis are for.
  6. S


    Because the Tsars have nothing whatsoever to do with this.
  7. S

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    are you confused about what the Berkut was or what? In any case, it seems weird that you of all people would take issue with Ukraine's elected government exercising "agency" and receiving foreign aid in maintaining its security. But when it's protecting the elected government from Nazi...
  8. S


    ludicrous way of thinking about things. just completely nuts.
  9. S

    US 2024 Presidential Election

    Or maybe the United States and US-aligned "non-governmental" organizations actually did participate in the overthrow of the elected government. Says you.