Recent content by seanmcdow

  1. seanmcdow

    What did you think of Vanquish?

    I really hate games where you have to play as a total douchebag, so I hated Vanquish
  2. seanmcdow

    What's your favorite Legend of Zelda song?

    the oath to order from majoras mask
  3. seanmcdow

    Nintendo Hates Justin Bieber

    Ok great that they dont want anything to do with beaver but I'm still pissed at nintendo for having those twats Jedward on one of their god awful adverts
  4. seanmcdow

    Best Gamertag you've ever seen.

    jesusdiedlol, check it out on youtube
  5. seanmcdow

    Name 4 things in the room with you right now you would bring with you for any kind of apocalypse.

    brother, laptop, swiss army knife and futurama boxset :)
  6. seanmcdow

    Draw a game!

  7. seanmcdow

    How Much is your Steam Account Worth?

    2128 dollars
  8. seanmcdow

    Christopher Nolan Back for Third Batman Film

    starring joseph gordon levitt as the riddler if imdb rumour is to be believed
  9. seanmcdow

    I paid full price for this shit?!

    the yakuza games by sega are good
  10. seanmcdow

    Biggest Turn-Off

    high heels. I just wonder if theyd rather be wearing a comfortable pair of sneakers
  11. seanmcdow

    Most satisfying-sounding weapon to fire

    that magnum on just cause 2. I was playing it on my friend's super pc and with the sound system he had it was just awesome
  12. seanmcdow

    I want my tounge split

    it might make it harder to eat ice cream
  13. seanmcdow

    Lady Gaga's meat suit.

    unless that dress was frozen wouldnt it stink?
  14. seanmcdow

    GoldenEye 007 Designer Says Remake Motivated By Money

    they shoulda done to golden eye what they did to pefect dark, that was a perfect port to 360
  15. seanmcdow

    If your child asked you "what is death?" What would you say? only the beginning