Recent content by Simskiller

  1. Simskiller

    Dutch lottery TV show shamelessly rips off The Big Picture logo

    I see nothing wrong with that as it's sort of an unoriginal/obvious design choice. "Hey, let's make the dot in the letter "i" a word we can put over the word containing that letter "i"" Sort of like, using numbers for letters. F3AR F4NTASTIC etc I'm sure you can find other examples for this.
  2. Simskiller

    Turns out we all have accounts on

    I'm assuming Hilar is a truncated version of hilarious Today I learned that "Fleek" is a portmanteau of "fly" and "sleek". And then the program that I learned it on started trying to make it Shakespearean. "I will take my leave on fleek my lord" "But soft! What light through yonder window...
  3. Simskiller

    What did people think of Tales from the Borderlands?

    Your choices don't really matter I found, you hit all the same plot points no matter what you choose. I treated it as an visual novel. Replaying to see the other results from the choices is a chore as you can't skip/fast forward anything, sadly.
  4. Simskiller

    Ghost in the Shell: First Assault Trailer

    *immediately thinks of the major vs tank fight where she rips her own arm and a leg*
  5. Simskiller

    Poll: Clop clop clop clop... Most annoying player character footstep sounds in a game?

    Me typically in csgo: "hey, uh, try walking right... now" "what why?" "STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP. they can hear you by now. Congrats they know where you are"
  6. Simskiller

    Poll: ESDF The OTHER keyboard control system

    *tries it* feels really weird, and like I could get lost on my keyboard. so: I did do szxc for system shock 1 though and while weird, it worked for the bindings.
  7. Simskiller

    Poll: How often do you shave?

    Where's the "depends" option? I shave for 1 job, but not another that doesn't require me to look as "professional" so I'm currently sporting a nice 4 weeks or so growth. When I was working my other job I would shave every 3 days or so, when I start working for them again, I'm going to ask...
  8. Simskiller

    Poll: Which emotions dominant you? (Pixar Inside out thread)

    Same, curiousity, and wonder, and always wanting to discover new things is what drives me.
  9. Simskiller

    "Time to get your shit together" moments in life.

    I've hit pretty much every major goal that was attainable that I set myself like, 4 years ago. I have now run out of goals and it frightens me. Seriously scares me that I have no goals. The only goal my mind can come up with is "earn enough money to go to college with out getting a student...
  10. Simskiller

    Game of Thrones - Well, Stannis fans, what do you think of him NOW? (Spoilers)

    Well do remember, when they used Gendry's blood 3 kings died.
  11. Simskiller

    Fallout 4 Perk Poster.

    In fallout 1 you can send a water caravan to your vault which in turn sends the super mutant army to your vault faster (because your vault is secret and you shouldn't really blab about it to everyone you meet).
  12. Simskiller

    Your thoughts on, "Men and Women can't be just friends?"

    So, there's an amusing song that I would like to share with the class: (also its really catchy) Personally, I see people as people first and treat pretty much everyone the same, I see no reason why everyone can't just be friends.
  13. Simskiller

    Cheeky Nandos - the most fun you can have with an American

    Wait UK? I read all this as from an aussie.
  14. Simskiller

    Mobile Game Does Not Commute Sells Checkpoints In Paid Version

    Yeah, when I read the headline, I thought the checkpoints would be like, micro payments, and you would have to pay for every. single. checkpoint.
  15. Simskiller

    #014 The Speech

    Looking at it, it reminds me more of a loin cloth than a cod piece.