Recent content by soes757

  1. soes757

    Immorally making $5,000

    The card is super useful, you can use it to pull the one turn combo. OT: I would hypothetically sell the card myself, or I'd like to say. I guess it depends on your relationship with the friend. Are they someone you see yourself being friends with in 10 years? Or are they someone you met in a...
  2. soes757

    Petition to Free Jailed League of Legends Player Reaches 100,000 Sigs

    First off, kid needs to watch what he says. I don't know how he thought that was an okay thing to say, but he doesn't deserve eight years in prison for it. The kid's learned his lesson.
  3. soes757

    Anyone ever had broken consoles?

    My ps3 is the only console I own to ever break, its lasted six years. It finally died while I was playing Skyrim. Other than that, nothing has died. Well on its own. I've dropped my DS before.
  4. soes757

    Sleep deprivation! How do you react to it?

    "With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy." I don't lose it as much as some of you guys. Everything seems distant, and I talk to myself. I talk to myself a lot when I haven't slept. I get hungry. Really hungry. After twelve hours of extra...
  5. soes757

    Which game do you Rage at most?

    Pokemon! Why? Zubat...... Every time you go into a cave Zubat, you take a step, Zubat, you have a low health Pokemon and no repels? Guess what! ZUBAT! Then you make it out of the cave, with your last Pokemon, that's under leveled and at two health, and there's your rival. Then, you lose the...
  6. soes757

    First person to make me laugh....

    I'm with them on this. You've offended the bacon gods and will not be forgiven! May the bacon god smite you down with the force of a thousand pigs.
  7. soes757

    First person to make me laugh....

    gets a free copy of Bastion, entered a gala giveaway for it, and won it, by some dumb luck. Its a key to the game for steam and I'll pm the winner. No images, or videos text only please, joke jokes, don't post a repost of a repost of a repost from reddit/tublr/4chan/9gag/imgur/all that shtuff...
  8. soes757

    Minecraft Movie Makers Upload It To The Pirate Bay

    Get Tor, and torrent all the pirate bays! Its quite nifty that they're admitting that its gonna happen anyway, and letting us do it, but it seems like a publicity ploy.
  9. soes757

    The War Z

    Did you actually bet against yourself? OT: This whole situation is funny in itself. No jokes are needed, just read the interview you'll never laugh harder.
  10. soes757

    I've just had an encounter with LoL's infamous "players"

    I think you're me! I had the same experience about a week ago, with the same champions and everything. I didn't fed the troll though. He persisted to insult me, however my team jumped in to defend me. He was up top doing awful, it was ridiculous that he was insulting me so damn much when he...
  11. soes757

    Worst thing your current Boy/Girl Friend has done to you.

    Dude, no way, same here man! Accused me of forced sexual actions, like a dumb ****. My current Girlfriend tried to stab me, well, almost stabbed me, might have been an accident.
  12. soes757

    Rare stuff you own

    I've got two pikachus (spelling on that?) and a Charizard, waiting for those to be worth something, I also have the whole set of first edition and second edition cards.
  13. soes757

    Is the next generation looking to be a return to form?

    Well that's a nice ad, can't believe I've never seen it.
  14. soes757

    Is the next generation looking to be a return to form?

    I've also seen them on ARS, IGN and RPS. Attack of the acronyms! I've never seen a Dishonored ad on TV.
  15. soes757

    Is the next generation looking to be a return to form?

    There's an XCOM advertisement on this page and it still even says pre-order so its been there for a while. Back on topic, I don't think we're going to go back, it doesn't work that way. We might get some of the old mechanics back, and some remakes of old games, but as long as people have new...