Recent content by somethingorother003

  1. S

    Installer Porn!

    Starcraft 2's installer was pretty stylized and really helped me get the story better, as someone whom has never played the first one. Hell, that's the best possible time to do an exposition dump on the player, it's not like you can really do anything else with your computer anyways.
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    Poll: Are physical copies of PC games dead?

    Not entirely dead, no, but we're pretty darn close. Physical copies are only useful to me when the game doesn't require Steam/Origin/Whatever, so I don't even count it if it does. Of course, there's a certain novelty in physical copies that makes me sad that they're doomed. Recently I found...
  3. S

    Is this negative "nice guy" stereotype actually a thing?

    If basic human decency is what you consider to be one of your strong points, then you're probably a bad person. It's born out of typical whiny awkward kids thinking that it's something besides their awkwardness and whininess is the reason they don't have a girlfriend. No, girls are not...
  4. S

    Titanfall Gets Season Pass, Origin-Exclusive Digital DX Edition

    So don't buy it if it's shitty DLC, and don't buy it on day 1 if it looks like they're holding out on you. It's a damn fine game, no doubt, but something that you absolutely can't miss? I don't think so. And if this generation is to shooters what the 3? were, you'll be seeing...
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    Titanfall Runs at 792p, 60 FPS on Xbox One

    It's pretty sad that for $500 I could build a PC that runs Titanfall at 1080p. I actually feel sympathetic for you if you bought a XB1, seriously, it's getting pretty clear that Microsoft is not selling a device worth $500. $500 is a lot people, that's a down payment on a car and a half. I...
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    Titanfall is Going Full Open Beta - Update 3

    Been playing the beta for a while now, and as someone who has really started to loathe the average shooter nowadays, I'd definitely recommend getting in on this. It's a very different kind of online shooter, and everything just works so well with one another, I'm sold on this being the next...
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    Hitting... Women

    Hitting a woman is considered bad because it is. Men have a significant advantage over women in the physical department, and until we're all nano-augmented cyborgs nothing will change that. If a woman hits a man, it's not as serious because an attack with an equivalent amount of effort put in by...
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    Depressing Endings

    After playing Red Rescue Team a while ago I figured they couldn't possibly top it in terms of depressing. I at least figured it wouldn't get to me again. At the end I felt so many different emotions, don't know if I should be sad about it or happy that it happened. Or in awe at how great the...
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    Hewlett Packard Promotes Windows 7 On New PCs

    Technically Windows 8 only boots faster because it's hibernating, not directly turning off. I'm no tech expert, but I'd assume that there are some problems with doing something, memory leaks or whatever. (Though restarting Windows 8 gives the same result). Anyways, Windows 8 is great if you...
  10. S

    It's the little things... Your favorite small details in games.

    No Metal Gear Solid 3 yet? Just recently I learned I could throw snakes at people, and eat vultures that ate people to get special dialog. Also Hitman []. While only somewhat related to small details, Hitman's openness combined with so many...
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    PC Gaming Controllers

    PS3 controller with Motininjoy, even though motin likes to stop working every couple days for no reason. If I can't be bothered, I'll use a 360 controller. Mainly I use PS3 because Xbox DPads are horrible. Remember trying to quickswitch weapons and spells in Oblivion? Also for older/2D...
  12. S

    Poll: Are you happy with your weight?

    6' 160 here, all my fat is in my gut so if I lose weight my face will look deprived and if I gain I'll have a huge gut. Still I did get down from 220 a while back so it's not all bad.
  13. S

    Titanfall "Really Tough" to Market, Says Respawn

    Movie-like trailers? How about game-like trailers. Because games. Also Titanfall can't be tough to market at all. "We're making a futuristic online first person shooter with giant walking robots in it." And then everybody buys the game.
  14. S

    What game makes you the happiest?

    Pokemon. Not the only thing I'll play, but sitting down, lowering my brain usage significantly and indulging in whatever remains of my inner 10-year-old legitimately makes me happy.
  15. S

    Hitman Next-Gen Project Killed, Square Enix Confirms

    Can't say I'm really all that upset by it, I enjoyed Absolution somewhat but I never was able to get into it like Silent Assassin, or even as much as Blood Money. Linear level designs? Caring about other people? Agent 47 was drunk on his last outing.