Recent content by spadeattack

  1. spadeattack

    why were you put on probation/suspended or warned

    I've never been suspended before... but this looks kinda fun.
  2. spadeattack

    What keeps you sane?

    Toaster Strudels. Gawd, I love them.
  3. spadeattack

    Ever had to go to the hospital?

    How funny that I end up clicking on this. Awe that sucks friend, I hope you end up feeling better. And I've only been to the hospital for other people... I'm a pretty healthy person. I dislike hospitals with a passion, though.
  4. spadeattack

    Poll: What you were like (or are like) as a teenager.

    Ah, yes. One that would fit those like me better. Us "others".
  5. spadeattack

    Poll: What you were like (or are like) as a teenager.

    Being insane is what I do. Probably why my reasonable/rebelliousness changes depending on whatever type of mood I'm in. But I'm always happy, so usually reasonable I suppose. And yes, I quite enjoy the Escapist's forums.
  6. spadeattack

    Poll: What you were like (or are like) as a teenager.

    Gawd, woman. You know what you did there. I'm not sure that will ever happen. Haha. Well, unless I'm speaking to you when I'm having one of those random heart felt moments. They are very, very rare.
  7. spadeattack

    Poll: What you were like (or are like) as a teenager.

    Bah. Laziness is nice, and I am one of those people that strangely enjoys being bored. I will break out of this rut!
  8. spadeattack

    Poll: What you were like (or are like) as a teenager.

    I laughed in her face. Who does she think she is? Trying telling me how long my hair is gonna be. Gawd, that entertained me enough to be rebellious. But afterwards, I felt like I wasted too much energy on her. I am that lazy.
  9. spadeattack

    Have you ever seen a dead body in person?(and how did you feel when you saw it?)

    Various bodies at funeral's. Some woman got ran over down the street from me, but I didn't see her body. Just a sheet. I watched my uncle die from Pancreatic Cancer, and was in the room when he was pronounced dead. Uh, I cried for a few minutes. Then I was mad at myself for not making the...
  10. spadeattack

    Poll: What you were like (or are like) as a teenager.

    I would consider myself inbetween/indifferent. I don't care and will pretty much do what I want, anyway. But I am a lazy bastard, and being rebellious is kind of a hassle, along well as being a respectful/loving son. Just leave me alone please, kthx. Recently, I was threatened with being...
  11. spadeattack

    You know your Gaming too much when.....?

    When you try and sleep you imagine your still playing the game.
  12. spadeattack

    Villains you didn't want to kill.

    Not sure if their considered villains, but any of the colossi from Shadow of the Colossus. That game made me feel like the villain.
  13. spadeattack

    Your Favorite Boss

    Jubileus from Bayonetta... That fight was so incredibly epic. I still fight her occasionally just for the fun.
  14. spadeattack

    totaly under rated games

    Okami Shadow of the Colossus Two amazing games... both masterpieces.
  15. spadeattack

    Best food on the macdonalds menu?
