Recent content by spikevamp

  1. spikevamp


    I have no idea why but it really grinds my gears nwhen people use terms like "Bioshock 1", and "Ghostbusters 1", "Jaws 1" etc...they're called Bioshock, Ghostbusters and Jaws goddamnit! Just irritates the living shit out of me...oh well
  2. spikevamp

    Zero Punctuation: Assassin's Creed 2

    Nice as always. Liked the cheeky little Jurassic Park reference in particular
  3. spikevamp

    Zero Punctuation: Scribblenauts

    If I owned as DS I'd probably still give this a go, sounds a little bit like entertainment. Especially seeing as one of item spawn is Cthulu...Cthulu = infinite levels of brillance
  4. spikevamp

    On RPG Elements

    As the man himself has pointed out about comments going down across the board...I believe it's the Australian Government banning The Escapist from their internets to be honest.
  5. spikevamp

    Poll: Fast zombies.

    I prefer the old, shambley, stumbley zombies...Yeah the runners usually get more jumps out of an audience but the old (read proper) zombies it's their sheer numbers that are the scary part.
  6. spikevamp

    Zero Punctuation: Ghostbusters: The Video Game

    Good review as always, I thought the game itself was a wee bit shorter than it should have been but meh, that's just my opinion lol
  7. spikevamp

    Whats your home town Famous for ?

    Ayr, Scotland. Where poet Robert Burns was born...and WWE rassler Drew Galloway is from round the corner from my house.
  8. spikevamp

    Zero Punctuation: inFamous

    Good solid review... still wouldn't buy it though, mainly due to the extortionate price of a PS3. Would probably be cheaper buying a shot at being the Pope
  9. spikevamp

    People should seriously take a competence test before playing Left 4 Dead.

    I get hours of entertainment out of my housemate when he's playing l4d. All you can hear is him at the top of the stairs screaming at noobs, almost as much fun listening to him as playing the game itself.
  10. spikevamp

    Zero Punctuation: Fear 2

    Sorry Yahtzee but you have commited a sin...One thing I loath is people saying when in reference to a movie/game that came before a sequel or whatever as "GhostBusters One" or "Jaws One" There called Ghostbusters and Jaws respectivly. Makes my piss boil it does. That aside another stonkingly...
  11. spikevamp

    People should seriously take a competence test before playing Left 4 Dead.

    I think it would make a lot of sense if all the achievements that you have well...achieved counted as some form of "experience Points" ,or whatever the Hell the nerds call them, and put you in games according to skill level rather than pot luck...good room,bad room, pants on head retarded room...
  12. spikevamp

    School shootings in America (and a wee bit help with homework!)

    Like someone up top said the basic answer is you all have guns and they do have a limited number of household uses. Over here in Britain guns are amazingly pretty hard to get...apart from shotguns which all you need to do is A) Not be a certified psychopath and...