Recent content by Telemachus

  1. Telemachus

    Bioware allows the release of "The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3" a tell all app for $2.99 WTF?!

    I think ME3 was the best game Bioware has made, and has the best ending it could have. I trust Bioware to make games their best. They didn't disappoint here. Ending included. All of it was awesome.
  2. Telemachus

    My thoughts on the ending to Mass Effect 3. *** UNMARKED SPOILERS WITHIN ***

    I agree with this more then most theories. I have one of my own that is similar.
  3. Telemachus

    Poll: How many here liked ME3 as a whole.

    With all the ME3 hate about the ending, I'd like to know what everybody really thinks about ME3 as a whole. And if the ending(s) was bad enough to ruin the game as a whole. Looking for more yes or no type answers.
  4. Telemachus

    Did anyone love ME3?

    Personally I think Mass Effect as a series is a great example of interactive storytelling. Any game from any genre, I believe, can learn something from this game. They ramped up the action and brought back a lot RPG elements from the first game. Bioware managed to blend those seamlessly. The...
  5. Telemachus

    The Big Picture: The Simpsons Is Still Funny - Pt. 1

    Any mention of Futurama? Would like to here what you have to say about that. Because I think it's the best show on TV, or will be until Arrested Development comes back.
  6. Telemachus


    Rugby Manager on Google Chrome
  7. Telemachus

    You have the power to bring back one cancelled TV show...

    well we got Beavis & Butthead instead of King of the Hill.
  8. Telemachus

    You have the power to bring back one cancelled TV show...

    Arrest- nope nevermind Futura- oh, wait, nevermind Code Monkeys Invader Zim
  9. Telemachus

    Hardest Moment in Gaming that you have managed?

    finishing "Through the Fire and the Flames" in Guitar Hero III.
  10. Telemachus

    Who Still Watches Extra Credits?

    i still watch it. i dont care about PA, i just watch EC :P
  11. Telemachus


    yes but it was through Youtube. - 200% Hipster
  12. Telemachus

    Have you not bought a game after watching Yahtzee's review of it?

    Yes, usually i know what i want to get, see yahtzee's review and want o buy it more. But i was recently sold on Braid, From Dust, and Bastion, all of which i am very very happy i got. also their all XBLA games. first time i really looked into the XBLA, good stuff
  13. Telemachus

    Shepard Can Lose in Mass Effect 3

    assuming the Rachni will help. and who says Reapers won't just mind control all those Krogean and have them turn on Shepard? Or the Alliance? Who says the Reapers won't just kill the counsel dead? Having the Geth would be sick though.
  14. Telemachus

    Shepard Can Lose in Mass Effect 3

    Oh, snap. She gonna slap you upside the head! but no really, they're probably just trying to make hype. Which I don't blame them. This game is going to be awesome. I would prefer if they just shut there mouth and make the game. Then again it is EA, sooo, who knows. sucks though. EA is dumb...