Recent content by The Scotsman72

  1. The Scotsman72

    Is it theft

    The coupon for the games however, did in fact have "1 free purchase per customer" rule, which people ignored and chose to exploit a glitch in the company's system to recieve free items that they are not otherwise entitled to other than by means of purchase. In the case you described, the...
  2. The Scotsman72

    Is it theft

    From my RCMP training and both criminoligy and law studies, I can confirm that this is, in fact, illegal. This is like a shop owner leaving the back door open to all his other merchandise and someone runs in and grabs everything of value. You were never entitled to any of said merchandise and is...
  3. The Scotsman72

    What is your state's/country's embarrassing stereotype?

    Alright, thanks for the input. Honestly though, I'd much rather stick around in BC where everyone is too high to commit any crimes other than shoplifting from a 7/11 when they get their munchies, instead of a town where murder is some-what common =)
  4. The Scotsman72

    What is your state's/country's embarrassing stereotype?

    Ugh, I've heard about Edmonton and it's crime. They need cops over there bad, and I'm hoping I don't get shipped off there after I'm done studying criminoligy and finish my RCMP training. Talked to a family friend who's an officer and he said they couldn't drag him there if they posted him...
  5. The Scotsman72

    Musicians! Your instruments!

    BAGPIPES! On a serious note, I do play alot of acoustic, as well as a bit of electric guitar.
  6. The Scotsman72

    You've Created A Nation, Now To Declare War!

    Our bagpipes and kilt wearing armies shall destroy all! Or spend another night in the pub first I suppose...
  7. The Scotsman72

    Old escapist series. You guys missing them?

    FYI they started uploading the old episodes onto youtube, and they're planning to continue the series once they're caught up to where they left off, although that's only going to happen if they make enough money via ad revenue along the way.
  8. The Scotsman72

    Skyrim Hearth Fire DLC Leak

    Simple games for simple minded people. Gotta keep the majority entertained right?
  9. The Scotsman72

    suppose the open world game you've just booted up suddenly has zombies.

    Those zombies would have to be pretty strong and agile to keep up though. Hell, all you'd have to do is grapple onto a tree and drop whatever you got on them. If that was out of the way though, it would be a badass dlc.
  10. The Scotsman72

    Games you like that others don't

    I loved Napoleon total war. Not too sure why the total war community hates it so much, since I found it very similar to Empire. The only changes I could see were flute marches and more realistic artillery along with a smaller campain map.
  11. The Scotsman72

    Total War: Shogun 2, Your Thoughts please

    Are you playing on the hardest difficulty or something? The game really isn't as hard as you're making it out to be, so you may want to turn the campain difficulty down a notch.
  12. The Scotsman72

    The very first song you remember?

    Common Eline. I loved it then and still do.
  13. The Scotsman72

    What games are you currently anticipating?

    Really? No Rome 2 total war out of anyone? That and War of Roses looks good. Always wanted a polished verion of mount and blade.
  14. The Scotsman72

    Worst Game Reviewers?

    Those are still very good scores for games that, in my opinion, don't deserve them for being mindless shooters with no depth. IGN enjoys jumping on the bandwagon to please all it's suscribers and viewers instead of giving a game the score it deserves. Also, keep an eye on your caps lock next time.
  15. The Scotsman72

    What new features should be introduced in Fallout 4?

    I think he was going on about the fact that you don't have to have a certain lockpicking level to unlock something. Instead, it would just be much harder if you were below that level instead of stopping you from trying completely, which I quite like the idea of.