Recent content by The_Graff

  1. The_Graff

    Things that scare you the most in games.

    the way we now seem to be expected to pay eye watering prices for a new game and then find we need a metric tonne of DLC and non-free updates (i.e stuff they used to see as part of the game you already paid for) to actually get some fun out of the game. ... oh yes and then the publishers...
  2. The_Graff

    What is the best morality system in a game

    this. less about filling up some morality bar and more about seeing the impact of your choices on the world.
  3. The_Graff

    Poll: Are you going to be buried or cremated?

    in all honesty, i dont think i am going to be in much of state to care once the decision becomes relevant.
  4. The_Graff

    The thought laden inside Evolutionary Psychology is one of the chief causes of inequality.

    This. i will admit that it is maybe not the best phrasing to give to the point, but it does seem to drive the point home in a refreshingly blunt manner.
  5. The_Graff

    of the movies you have seen this year, what is your favorite?

    it has t be the new johnny english. went to see it with my girlfriend and we both laughed until our sides split.
  6. The_Graff

    Reverse discrimination

    honestly no, i dont. its nice to see one of the beneficiaries of it getting annoyed though.
  7. The_Graff

    Neil Armstrong to NASA: You Are an Embarassment

    am i the only person here slightly worried about this phrase?
  8. The_Graff

    Invisible Tank Appears at London Arms Fair

    curse you and your damnable logic. we're the brotherhood of bloody nod. we dont need your "coherent arguments", or your "common sense" just let me have this one XD.
  9. The_Graff

    Invisible Tank Appears at London Arms Fair

    say it with me now people ... KANE LIVES!
  10. The_Graff

    Poll: Your Voice Range (Music Jokes Welcome)

    Baritone by jove. always loved the parts you get with this sort of voice.
  11. The_Graff

    To Warhammer 40K fans: What's your favourite and least favourite Space Marine chapter or race?

    fav: black templars, when you shoot them they dont get dead ... they get ANGRY!!! least fav: you know what, can we all just accept that the "Sons of Ward" are automatically out of contention because we all dislike them and him. so im gonna have tgo with space wolves, esp. after the new codex. i...
  12. The_Graff

    Sexism; Or The Turning of Tables

    fairynfuff. i suffer from the same sort of "idiocy induced rage" you talk about too often to have much of a leg to stand on getting annoyed when it happens to others. its just that things like this happen -...
  13. The_Graff

    Sexism; Or The Turning of Tables

    Ok, thank you for that; it was clear, concise, well researched and argued. I shall now attempt to reply in kind :-) I think we come from vastly different backgrounds, this will unavoidably shape our views, opinions and even thought process/logic train. for starters Im not from the US. Im...