Recent content by thedrunkenmonkey

  1. thedrunkenmonkey

    The worst way to die?

    More along the lines of being squished long before you'd ever hit the black hole itself. Heck, even going 500 feet under the ocean without a pressure suit would do you far quicker. Squish, like grape.
  2. thedrunkenmonkey

    The worst way to die?

    People DO die alone. Death is a one-way, solo passage ticket. You go through the door one at a time. It is a completely unique experience. It doesn't mean you won't be missed, or that you didn't have a chance to move forward. I'm there with you on the pets, Miyenne. A while ago I had to put a...
  3. thedrunkenmonkey

    Drag queens: Yay or Nay?

    Why the hell is that a problem for anyone but those guys? For all you know they wanted to go because they wanted to go to prom and not have to deal with the whole bullshit massive night out that prom has somehow become. You CHOSE to be offended by their statement. You didn't ask. You didn't find...
  4. thedrunkenmonkey

    Poll: You are an evil overlord! Which army of mooks do you employ?

    You're thinking of the Greeks.
  5. thedrunkenmonkey

    films that are fantastically horrible

    You and my wife. I'm probably the only man on the planet whose wife loves SyFy movie originals to the point where for Christmas and her birthday, I can make her ecstatic by buying her the movies on DVD. I'll get odd looks when I go for the Blu-Ray, though.
  6. thedrunkenmonkey

    films that are fantastically horrible

    Good points about the movie: John Malkovich got a paycheck. John Cusack got a paycheck. The guy who plays Machete got a paycheck. Technical accuracies about Con Air: Bullets go through the air at high velocity.
  7. thedrunkenmonkey

    Poll: You are an evil overlord! Which army of mooks do you employ?

    - correction: they got curb-stomped because Vader was willing to let a bunch of clones get their butts handed to them by teddy bears while he and the Emperor played "We be Baaaaad Gloaty Jedi" with his son on a half-built space station. Blame the commanders. Not the troops. Yeah, they can't...
  8. thedrunkenmonkey

    PRISM - Where are all the protests?

    Zach, Chinese hackers are already into damn near anything. Thing is, intelligence is no longer boots on the ground. It's database mining and pattern recognition and analysis. PRISM is a natural progression of that shift from the interpersonal to the electronic threat. In the event PRISM is...
  9. thedrunkenmonkey

    Drag queens: Yay or Nay?

    Plus, no way in hell would women put a Tony Award-winning musical together based on a UK factory changing production to make drag queen boots. Well, obviously some did, but the motivation (making Kinky Boots) would be more along the lines of Comfy Shoes, and I'm thinking it'd be a lot more...
  10. thedrunkenmonkey

    Drag queens: Yay or Nay?

    Yeah. Pot, kettle much? For the record, your comments take very little time to read. Or divest fully of their meaning. Truth be told I only said you grabbed the lowest hanging fruit possible and then you held it up as an example of the typical schtick in comedy, which you then defended by...
  11. thedrunkenmonkey

    Drag queens: Yay or Nay?

    Absolutely. I'll even go another line for you. My cats don't look at what my finger is pointing to. They look at my finger. Getting mad because the cats look at my finger instead of the food I just put out for them is pointless. I need to move the cats to see the food instead of assuming that...
  12. thedrunkenmonkey

    Drag queens: Yay or Nay?

    qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq Obvious joke is obvious. And therefore, by your own standards? Not funny. It's kind of the same level of "funny" that you're bitching about here. As in: it's...
  13. thedrunkenmonkey

    Drag queens: Yay or Nay?

    First, I'll try to ignore the sheer nails-on-a-blackboard cringing feeling I get when I see someone use 'lol' unironically in a conversation not involving text or IM. Second, what joke have you seen on television, or in a theater revue, or in a burlesque or cabaret act has JUST used "oh, it's...
  14. thedrunkenmonkey

    Drag queens: Yay or Nay?

    I always thought of sex like comedy. Try to analyze it and you miss all the good bits. ...also, the sight of two (or more) people humping, once you take all the other stuff out of it, is just bloody hilarious and ridiculous. Tell me you haven't fallen off the bed or had a mishap in the...
  15. thedrunkenmonkey

    Pointing out double standards does NOT make you sexist!

    I'd reply by saying that the theoretical concept of Republican ideals is very appealing to me. Less governmental interference, promotion of meritocracy, and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. I'd also note that the current model of Republicanism exhibited in the United States falls far...