Recent content by TheGauntman

  1. T

    Post the last song you listened to.

    The one and only correct answer: Murderdolls. Bonus points to you good sir, for Lair of the Minotaur.
  2. T

    Can you beat him? Akinator Web game

    Finally beat him with Pierce Patchett, an ancillary character from LA Confidential. Suck it, you smug bastard.
  3. T

    Boobs save lives!

    The way that article was written hurt my head - so much scattering and repetition of information. It probably could have been summed up in a couple of paragraphs. Also I cringed a little at the 'infected implants' bit. Ugh.
  4. T

    Princess Mononoke Comes to London Stage

    Yeah, I'm not normally 'that guy'... But what the fuck? What are they thinking? For me, what makes Princess Mononoke so good is its epic scope. Sweeping themes, broad landscapes, larger-than-life characters. To try and condense that onto a small stage would leech its poignancy.
  5. T

    Best Batman Movie

    Haha, sorry. I really do hate to be pedantic. But I frequently see him called Joe and just couldn't hold my tongue this time.
  6. T

    Best Batman Movie

    I hate to be that guy, but the voice actor's name is John Dimaggio. Joe Dimaggio was a baseball player. OT: for me The Dark Knight wins easily. It captured the essence of what makes Batman an intriguing character. His constant doubt and conflict about whether he is actually doing any good...
  7. T

    Diablo III Patch Restricts Access for New Players

    It takes about one hour to get to level 13, could be more or less depending on the player and the character. And they want to cap people for three freaking days at that level? I've been playing D3 off and on for the past few weeks, and I can assure you it has been entertaining in a very...
  8. T

    Poll: Bacon: Crispy or chewy?

    Chewy bacon can be good, if it's in between two slices of crispy bacon. A sandwich of bacon, if you will.
  9. T

    LilithSlave teaches you about the one true religion: Touhou

    They exist, but they're a pain in the arse to find.
  10. T

    The Big Picture: Last Starr

    Glad to see some love for The Centurions from Bob, and from my fellow Escapists. You don't know how bad I wanted one of their exosuits when I was a kid...
  11. T

    When's the last time you had sex?

    More like Escapist sexpo, amirite?
  12. T

    When's the last time you had sex?

    Same. OT: last time I had sex was about four days ago, but I plan to have some more tomorrow night, because I'm just so pimp.
  13. T

    What is your favorite band?

    I was starting worry. No mention of Tool, I would have been disappoint. I've been listening to Tool for about 15 years now and I'm still not sick of them. Seen them live three times, and I'd go see them again. And I'm not a blind fanboy; I dig why some people don't like them or would call...
  14. T

    Reconmend some metal bands

    I've been listening to a fair bit of Heaven Shall Burn lately. Nice and chunky, but also melodic at the same time: Also you should check out Mudvayne. Don't hear much of them nowadays, but I still reckon they are solid: Failing that, there's always Lamb of God:
  15. T

    What 3 games have you played the longest?

    1. World of Warcraft. Easily. Don't know how many days, but it's a lot. 2. Modern Warfare 2. I played the everloving hell out of the multiplayer with friends. 3. League of Legends. Great game, toxic community, again played heaps with friends.