Recent content by TheHighway

  1. T

    PC gamers, what do you do when you hit the limits of your system?

    Noooooooo Windows 8 is the most horrible thing I've ever seen ;-;
  2. T

    Poll: Would you change your sex for 5 million dollars?

    I want to change it NOW for FREE
  3. T

    Poll: Rule 63: Yourself

    Hell yes, I'm one of the few people who would do myself :P
  4. T

    How do you think your parents would react if they went through your internet browsing history?

    Ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies, ponies... I'd be a bit embarrassed...
  5. T

    ITT: CTRL+V and see what happens.

    Cleverびれんとん annoying my friend by making my steam id JUUUUUST close enough to his to make our conversation confusing
  6. T

    The last song you listened to will now be played at your funeral.

    I got "Giggle at the Ghosties"... 20% cooler than ALL of the rest of you guys' songs!
  7. T

    Last Game You Bought, Next Game You're (ideally) Getting

    The Quake-con Steam deal MarioKart 3DS
  8. T

    Worst game PURCHASE you ever made.

    Bit.TRIP.Beat It's a horrible game, I don't even remember why I bought it. I think I was under the impression that it was Bit.TRIP.Runner...
  9. T

    Poll: Who's excited for the new Christopher Paolini book then? [Discussion may contain spoilers]

    I really hate when a TRILOGY is announced and then a fourth instalment comes along
  10. T

    Who are your favorite YouTubers?

    charlieissocoollike, MrSerebii, mychonny, yourchonny, chonnygame, chonnyday
  11. T

    What Has Your Country Ever Done For Us?!

    There you go
  12. T

    Are low prices the only reason you use Steam?

    I barely buy stuff on Steam, but really it has a great user interface (I especially enjoy being able to Shift+Tab during a game to bring up the overlay instead of having to Alt+Tab, wait a minute for the repeating noises to end, do a single thing, and then Alt+Tab back into the game. The web...
  13. T

    You now have a Army of the last thing you killed in a videogame.

    An army of medics wouldn't do me a whole lot of good...
  14. T

    Latest game you purchased and why?

    left 4 dead 2, because it's SO FUCKING CHEAP
  15. T

    Games you never expected to like... but ended up falling in love with...

    Well now, a few months ago the prospect of playing a first person shooter would make me very sad. Probably because the only FPSs I'd played up until then were on consoles, and console controls make NO SENSE to me. But anyway, I got TF2 for Christmas last year and AMAZING! PC controls are...