Recent content by TheLoneSeeker

  1. TheLoneSeeker

    XBox Live account compromised

    Today was fun. Woke up to find that someone had gained unauthorised access to my XBox Live account and spend $200 of my money on crap. The Xbox support people were fine, but apparently the investigation could take up to 25 days before they can determine if it was truly an unauthorized access...
  2. TheLoneSeeker

    Weird Razer Ad Promises PC Gaming Is Not Dead

    PC gaming might not be dead, but half my Razer peripherals are.
  3. TheLoneSeeker

    Educator Group Calls For B.C. Game Ban

    Maybe McCausland should move to Australia, it sounds like she'd be right at home here.
  4. TheLoneSeeker

    Buying a 3DS cause I wanna play Zelda, but...

    Well sticking with Zelda, Link's Awakening DX is available on the online shop. Might be old, but it still holds up pretty well for a GBC game.
  5. TheLoneSeeker

    Who's your favorite Doctor Who companion?

    I've always been a big fan of Nyssa. She was intelligent and useful to the Doctor, as well as being one of his few alien companions. Plus, Sarah Sutton is just beautiful.
  6. TheLoneSeeker

    Poll: The next fail in gaming

    Depends whether we're talking financial fail or actual product fail. As far as the actual products go, I suspect this next generation will actually be pretty good. There's been some pretty big missteps this generation (RROD, SD graphics/poor motion control Wii, fat PS3) and the manufacturers...
  7. TheLoneSeeker

    Poll: Pokemon: Has anyone actually caught em' all?

    I've caught all the ones currently available (so not the Gen 5 event Pokemon). It would probably be quite hard to just pick the series up and catch them all, but playing each gen as it comes out and just transferring them over makes it less painful. However I put about 1200 hours in to Gen 4...
  8. TheLoneSeeker

    Brink Trailer Gives Players a Ton of New Abilities

    Every time I see this game, I can't help thinking how good and solid the gunplay looks. Can't wait to get my hands on it, especially since I can't seem to get in to TF2.
  9. TheLoneSeeker

    Fellow Aussies!

    I'm from Adelaide. Work nights, study Games and Entertainment design by day. Just recently got done with Bulletstorm (which was cool, if short) and I'm working my way through Pokemon Black now. I love most genres, but I'm a sucker for Bethesda RPGs. Morrowind was the game that made me decide...
  10. TheLoneSeeker

    Warner Bros. Appealing Against Australian Mortal Kombat Ban

    I have mixed feelings about this; on one hand, it'd be good if the appeal is successful, as Aussie gamers will be able to get their hands on the game. However IF the game has content that would warrant an R18+ rating and it gets classified in Australia (which means getting an MA15+ rating), that...
  11. TheLoneSeeker

    Find fellow escapists near you...!

    Fellow Adelaide-person reporting in. Its well crap, agreed. The city that never dozes.
  12. TheLoneSeeker

    Poll: PC gamers, what could be your console of choice?

    I'd consider myself mainly a PC gamer, and in the last year or so I've got a 360 and a PS3. Gotta say I enjoy them both on their merits, but they'll never become my system of choice. In my mind, they still can't compete with the level of precision and customisation you can get from PC gaming...
  13. TheLoneSeeker

    101 ways to make a Hot Thread (Humor)

    Joking dude, sheesh OT: 35. Ask people what they would like to see in the next installment of any popular series, then troll your own thread.
  14. TheLoneSeeker

    101 ways to make a Hot Thread (Humor)

    27. Create a thread titled "101 ways to _____" and only provide the first five; the completionists will do the rest!
  15. TheLoneSeeker

    287: Can't Catch 'em All

    Living in Australia and having no access to a Pokemon Centre was even more painful, before the wifi connection came along. There's a good reason why they ditched the "Gotta catch em' all" catchphrase a few years ago...