Recent content by TheSuperiorXemnas

  1. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Competitive Gamer Arrested For Hitting Ex-Girlfriend

    I hope Mr.Brown knows how to play Phoenix Wright, looks like he's going to need a good defense attorney.
  2. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Am I the only one still likes Nintendo?

    I did used to like Nintendo, but it seems as every year passes, I have less Incentive to buy anything from them and give me more and more reasons to start hating them.
  3. TheSuperiorXemnas

    The last time a game made you say "wow"

    Besides from World of Warcraft ( I say WoW as the abbreviation) XD This!
  4. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Most Preferred Champion in League of Legends

    I love using my Warwick. He's the only one to actually convince me to spend real money on for getting a skin for him. I'm getting used to using Anivia. I don't get real kills with her, but I often times get alot of assists with her, and I never die.
  5. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Desmond Miles May Leave Assassin's Creed Soon

    Desmond...Who is this Desmond? He Sounds like someone I would want to beat up. Oh Unskippable, how you amuse me....
  6. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Sam Raimi Departs World of Warcraft

    NO! Darn it, now Aggra's stuck in my head!!! On Topic, I think that no matter what they did, the movie wouldn't meet the standerds that the fans would have. There is too much content and lore that can be shoved into only 1 movie.
  7. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Poll: DMC 5 Why all the hatred?

    While I understand all of the goods things that may come with the game, I already dislike some of Dmc5 (maybe called the new Dmc since it's a reboot and not a sequel) 1)Dante's Attitude The way Dante acts in the past 4 games was that, no matter what he was doing or what happened, he was...
  8. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Your Best Self- Imposed Challenges in Gaming

    Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ Completion on Critical Mode while level 1 the entire game. Yea...
  9. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Memorable Advertisements

    So, while writing a paper for college about analyzing advertisements, I started to wonder about the community on the escapist and wanted to know what everyone's favorite Ad. Whether it is about gaming or not, or a video or picture/poster. Let's hear your advertisements, Escapist!
  10. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Peculiar fetishes

    -Furry Transformation (Humans to Furry) which means I didn't cringe when A person turned into a werewolf in movies and for some reason Hypnosis (Don't know why)
  11. TheSuperiorXemnas

    what would you make Earth's official language?

    Italian (Ezio, how you make me want to learn how to speak in that sexy language like you) but the nerd in me wants to say Japanese.
  12. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Obesity Discrimination

    Hey! It can also mean just a Love for extremely tasty Foods :) (Oh, Sea-Salt Ice Cream, How I love thee)
  13. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Scariest way to die in a game.

  14. TheSuperiorXemnas

    Starting from Square 1

    Thank you all for this information, and now I can start learning from the very basics. EDIT: Speaking of which, won't i have to learn about Coding too?