Recent content by u2rocksbaby

  1. u2rocksbaby

    Zero Punctuation: Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf...dang, never even heard of this game. If you hate it so much, why spread awareness???
  2. u2rocksbaby

    Poll: So is ACreed an Xbox or Playstation franchise?

    Since recent events have graced me with a ton of future free time, I've finally decided to dive into the Assassin's Creed series. My only question is whether I should start purchasing the titles for Xbox or Playstation. I've heard reports from both sides, saying the Xbox ones generally look...
  3. u2rocksbaby

    RPGs where you can do everything in one playthrough?

    So I'm a big fan of free-roaming games where you can do a 100% playthrough, with lots of sidequests and collectibles, like Assassin's Creed, the Legend of Zelda, and recently, Far Cry 3. Now, I recently got into Mass Effect, and was blown away by the quality of the story, especially considering...
  4. u2rocksbaby

    Zero Punctuation: ZombiU

    ZP meets the Wii U...and thus a new era of strife began...
  5. u2rocksbaby

    Zero Punctuation: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    No way, you actually reviewed it?!
  6. u2rocksbaby

    EA wants to make digital games MORE expensive than retail

    So a while back, Jim called out a number of game producers for charging the same price for cheaper-to-produce digital games when making them cheaper to buy would eliminate all the middlemen between them and the money-loaded consumer...
  7. u2rocksbaby

    Most legitimately bone-chilling campfire story you know?

    So long story short, I'm going on a camping trip soon, and I'm not the best at improv so I need some of the most terrifying campfire stories you know, ones that stand on their own as stories without relying on a man behind the circle waiting to jump out at the end for a cheap scare. Of course...
  8. u2rocksbaby

    Historical Happily-Ever-Afters?

    Real life in the Middle Ages was not like the Disney movies that portray it. Families could go to war with each other and then marry their children within the same year based on the political state of the time. Kings would marry queens to preserve bloodlines and take a dozen mistresses on the...
  9. u2rocksbaby

    I have a serious issue with the next Batman movie

    Let me start out this post by saying that I went and saw Prometheus a few nights ago. At first, I was pretty confused and frustrated by the movie constantly contriving new plot points at every turn to keep the story moving. But then, I realized that wasn't the real problem. While sitting in that...
  10. u2rocksbaby

    I have a serious problem with the next Batman movie

    Let me start out this post by saying that I went and saw Prometheus a few nights ago. At first, I was pretty confused and frustrated by the movie constantly contriving new plot points at every turn to keep the story moving. But then, I realized that wasn't the real problem. While sitting in that...
  11. u2rocksbaby

    Oldest CG that still looks jaw-dropping?

    Fair point, and it's precisely for this reason why I'd prefer to keep this subject to COMPUTER-GENERATED effects, since they age much, much faster and thus pass a much harder test if they still look good.
  12. u2rocksbaby

    Oldest CG that still looks jaw-dropping?

    The question is pretty straightforward (computer-generated effects only), but I feel it's open to opinion. For example, while Terminator's 2's liquid metal effects look amazing and suit the plot of its film perfectly, I'd have to give my trophy to Jurassic Park, since that movie, both through...
  13. u2rocksbaby

    Most untarnished big-name franchise (can be any type of media)?

    To clarify that rather convoluted title, my question is what mainstream franchise or series do you think, as a whole, has the biggest ratio of good material to tripe associated with it? In spite of the likelihood that this will discourage other posters from narrowing down their own answer to a...
  14. u2rocksbaby

    Has anyone ever returned to sanity?

    Look, I'm really not that interested in having a prolonged discussion about this right now, as that was never the point of this topic, so I'll keep this brief. I'm sorry you have autism, and I'm sure you've suffered for it because of the intolerance of others. But the primary lesson I learned...
  15. u2rocksbaby

    Has anyone ever returned to sanity?

    Thank you for being constructive. I suppose the term "grew out of it" was rather misleading, since it implies I didn't have to work to overcome my difficulties. Growing up, that was always the same as learning to live or cope with it, so you may be right. It's also what inspired me to ask this...