Recent content by Ulvenkai

  1. Ulvenkai

    Your Top Ten Favorite Video Games

    I know OP said favourite games, but I find it a little easier to just lump series together. 10. Beyond Good & Evil 9. Gothic 1/2/3 8. Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga (but notable mention for Divine & Beyond Divinity) 7. Fallout 1/2/New Vegas 6. The Witcher 1/2 5. Baldur's Gate 1/2...
  2. Ulvenkai

    7 Reasons why Skyrim thinks the Dovahkiin is retarded.

    This has been my personal gripe with Bethesda "RPGs" since the early days of The Elder Scrolls and the problem continued straight through to Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim. Needless to say, the trend is unlikely to let up in their future games. Bethesda make great worlds but then they just...
  3. Ulvenkai

    Preview: Dungeon Siege 3

    Thank goodness for that. I was about to seriously question your standards and expectation of story :p I <3 Obsidian ^.^