Recent content by venom_steve

  1. V

    The 'You people care about Robin Williams more than Gaza' comments

    I personally find I difficult to care about people killing each other over which version of a fairytale is best, especially considering how long it's been going on. Robin Williams brought joy and happiness to many so it stands to reason that they will care about his death more.
  2. V

    So... Uh... What the hell, Australia?!?!

    Lets be clear. Not a single Australian was involved in this deplorable riot. It was the cancerous rot that has worked it's way into our country like a virus. They in no way represent the views of Australians and I'm sure most would agree with me that all involved should be shipped off the one of...
  3. V

    Apple wins lawsuit vs Samsung

    I would be interested in seeing the bank statements of all involved and how much money was anonymously deposited during the "trial".
  4. V

    Really Stupid Things You've Heard/Read Someone Say

    A couple from my roommate. 1St "I got the 64 GB iPhone because I thought siri would work better" 2ND "Were dinosaurs real or just a myth" I'm scared to live under the same roof as this person.
  5. V

    Teacher orders kindergarteners to beat up class "bully"

    Everyone knows the way to deal with bullies is to let them do their thing then punish the victim when they finally have enough and lash out. Teaching kids to "not sink to their level" is teaching them to put up with being bullies because the teachers won't do a damn thing about it. The ONLY...
  6. V

    Psst he is in the friend zone

    People seriously need to get over this unhealthy fixation with the "friend zone" as the longer they dwell on it the less chance they have of ever being happy. As someone who is always told they're "such a nice guy" and has had well more than their fair share of rejection I to once held to...