Recent content by VodkaKnight

  1. VodkaKnight

    Anti-Rape underwear

    They'll probably only work until someone finds a way around them. Which will probably take around 20 minutes. I mean, rape is bad, and a way to delay or stop rape is good, but it won't take people long to get around it. So it's a good thing blocked by the fact that people always seem to find...
  2. VodkaKnight

    Shoot to disable instead of shoot to kill. Let's have an open talk about this.

    Killing people is wrong, and even if you do shoot to disable, then they might still die. Being shot in the leg can rupture your heart from the shock, so neither is ideal. I'd like to say 'Shoot to disable' but I honestly can't.
  3. VodkaKnight

    Movies Passing the Bechdel Test for Sexism Earned More in 2013

    I don't see the point. The ability to measure sexism by how many women are in a film is ridiculous, given that it's the representation of women in films that matters. Don't misunderstand me. Women being in films is good. But you cannot judge a film by how it does on a test that only tests how...
  4. VodkaKnight

    My daughter is named Tali'Zorah. I suppose I'm crazy : )

    It begins. The next generation is going to have a lot of children named after fictional characters, but I think Tali'Zorah is a bit odd. It does sound like it sound be a name in some languages though, so it might be okay. Other than that, if your kid wants to just be called Tali then that's fine.
  5. VodkaKnight

    A mod ruined Skyrim for me.

    Obviously, I can't play Garry's Mod without all my usual addons. I tried to play it at a friends house and had to install all of the addons I use until I could play it. Other than that, after installing ANY mods I find it difficult to play the game vanilla. Something that I flatout CAN'T...
  6. VodkaKnight

    Thinking about it, what is the stupidest fictional thing ever?

    This isn't a thread to debate. No, this is just to post things literally, and reveal their stupidity. you don't need to post what they're from, but you can if you want. I'll start with one. A government scientist and his daughter/dog get imprisoned and mercy-killed by a homeless serial killer.
  7. VodkaKnight

    Who is the best swordsman in fiction?

    Without magical powers, probably King Bradley from FMA. If my memory serves correctly, he managed to slice the fuses off sticks of dynamite without touching the person they were attached to. It also took a cheap trick from a homeless serial murderer to kill him, but whatever.
  8. VodkaKnight

    Are Men Allowed To Be Offended?

    Men are allowed to be offended, but to be honest we're not allowed to show it. You're sad? You're not allowed to show weakness. You don't know an answer? You're expected to. You feel lonely? Deal with it. You feel vulnerable? 'Man up'. You hate your body? 'Men never have to deal with body...
  9. VodkaKnight

    Sexuality in gaming, your stance?

    If it's there only just to be THERE then I don't really like it. In games like Soul Calibur, which overdoes EVERYTHING in terms of aesthetic, then I don't have a problem with it. Why not have a chainmail bikini in it? But a lot of the time it can just harm a reputation of a game. World of...
  10. VodkaKnight

    videogame attitudes UK vs USA

    I've noticed there's a lot less about video games in the UK media. Not that it's necessarily good that there's less, but when it's there, the attitude generally positive.
  11. VodkaKnight

    Things you think get more hate than they deserve.

    I still think World of Warcraft gets a lot more hate than it deserves. Most if it probably comes from the whole 'neckbeard nerd' image that comes with things like MMOs. I've met a lot of people who play it, and none of the people I've met have fit that image. Other than it, it's still the...
  12. VodkaKnight

    People Can Fly Becomes Epic Games Poland, Pitches In On Fortnite

    PCF, you will be missed. Painkiller is one of my favourite FPS games, and to be honest, most of what the worked on with Epic was just underwhelming in comparison.
  13. VodkaKnight

    Games You Had to Force Yourself to Finish

    I'm not sure if this counts, but World of bloody Warcraft. I started it, and by the time I got to level 30 I was sick of the whole thing. The endless grind, the repetitive quests, the awful writing, the awful characters, the fact there was no real story up to the start of the Burning Legion...
  14. VodkaKnight

    Got irrationally angry today...

    To be honest, it is just a comic. And some people do see people going to jump and talk them out of it.
  15. VodkaKnight

    The weirdest thing you've seen recently?

    Pom Pom Wei Wei Wei. Watch the video and you'll see what I mean.