Recent content by WaffleCopters

  1. WaffleCopters

    Why is rape or even just sex worse than death?

    I cant help but see heaps of people thinking about this in a way too "physical consequence" manner... Think psycological here... Your wounds may heal, but your mind never will...unless youre lucky.
  2. WaffleCopters

    Poll: Which Company holds the title of "Biggest Bunch of Pricks in the Business"?

    I say blizzard a big prick cause they have such awesome stories in their games (or at least they DID at some point) had the money, and the peoplepower, and they choose to think on making a WARCRAFT movie....
  3. WaffleCopters

    Screw you Ubisoft, screw you!

    im surprised people are still having this reaction about DRM, not like its new or anything.
  4. WaffleCopters

    A Truth About The Internet.

    Ultimate Truth: Turning safesearch off for Google images is a bad idea.
  5. WaffleCopters

    UPDATE: Activision (Allegedly) Livid About Black Ops 2 Reveal

    Meh its activision, id find the fact that they ARENT doing something stupid more shocking and facepalmable then this.
  6. WaffleCopters

    Games you consider overrated

    In general, EVERY GAME THAT IS OVERHYPED BEFORE RELEASE. because technically that means its nearly impossible for it to reach peoples expectations. least of all mine. But specifically? COD (sorry, had to say that) not thats its bad... its just nothing new. Battlefield 3 (yep, this isnt a...
  7. WaffleCopters

    Games that were Almost Great

    Brink... It had so much potential.... but lacked content. it just seemed way too much like a "look at this awesome parkour thingy weve made! oh wait... were meant to put a game as well..? umm... here take this."
  8. WaffleCopters

    Mass effect gets hi-res tex- wait...zomg Tali's face!

    I like tali, and not sexually, she just seems like a likeable character to me. also Sex vampires? does that mean they "vant to suck your...
  9. WaffleCopters

    Games that should get a sequel that haven't

    Black, Definately Black. was a good game, kinda the Cod4 of its time, but without the multiplayer. but really, id love a sequel, since bodycount doesnt count (see what i did there? :D)
  10. WaffleCopters

    Dark and Gritty VS Cartoony. Diablo 3's aesthetic. Thoughts?

    cartoony? how? cause it doesnt have like 50 million shaders per object? look at all of blizzards games, they ALL have this look. its just what blizzard does, making games that most people can run, rather then going GRAPHICS IS MAH SELLING POIIIIINT!! no kidding there. if people took the time...
  11. WaffleCopters

    Games that ramped up difficulty and dang near destroyed the experience

    I honestly cant think of a- oh wait that. that exactly. i found the game pretty amusing (make that extremely amusing) with the way your guns were so contrasted going from zone to zone. then i hit this boss and stopped playing. havent played since. EDIT: I'd say Ghost Recon Advanced...
  12. WaffleCopters

    I feel like a f***ing idiot...

    at least you werent like "derp, didnt know i had a dog up there, but OK :D"
  13. WaffleCopters

    Poll: Thought experiment: What if homosexuality COULD be "cured" medically?

    Since homosexuality isnt a sickness or disease, if they made it compulsory theyd get a mass outrage. why fix what aint broke?
  14. WaffleCopters

    Why a Machine revolution would never happen.

    i cant help but notice youve relied this opinion on current technology. there is NO DOUBT that we WILL have technology designed to be a lot smarter. its just the way the human race works, we are never satisfied with what we have, and instead create a more technologically advanced version of...
  15. WaffleCopters

    Poll: what do you want done with your body after you die

    I want my body (including my brain) to be intergrated into a virtual reality, so i can be a AI, but not be A :D