Recent content by War Monkey782

  1. War Monkey782

    Doomsday Arcade: Episode 24

    Here are some characters I think need to be in the next episode. Master chief. Samus. Captain falcon. Bowser. TF Announcer. Game & Watch. Kirby. Some random final fantasy character (possibly cloud). I can foresee God of War III sales going down drastically.
  2. War Monkey782

    What games/enemies scared you as a kid?

    Legend of Zelda ocarina of time, redead and dead hand. The levels themselves didn't scare me, but seeing one of those giant hands drop down on terrified me, also those strange worm/mouth things that stole your equipment, it terrified me to see them reaching for me. The first level, the giant...
  3. War Monkey782

    Your favorite expletive.

    Shitnickels. I don't know where I came up with that
  4. War Monkey782

    The Legend of Zelda Tribute: Majora's Mask

    I hated the aliens from that game. Sure one arrow took them out, but there were a ton of them and they where everywhere. Still, very fun game, very awesome movie.
  5. War Monkey782

    If you could have any superpower what would it be?

    Combine living organisms into one. Plants and animals.(Squirreligator) Control these abominations (Squirreligator, ATTACK!) Revert them back to their original forms. (Squirrel and Alligator) Combine them to myself. I can use the seperation power here to.(I am the Squirreligator! )...
  6. War Monkey782

    The Cheapest Boss You've Ever Fought

    Final Fantasy X ALMOST EVERY SINGLE BOSS IN THE ARENA. The ones that are some combination of all the monsters in an area, or all of that type of monster. After about 2 hours, I beat the giant black bird one. Then the power went out.