Recent content by Win32error

  1. W

    Overwatch Cheaters Are Getting Wrecked By Blizzard

    Hm i'm not sure if this isn't going a bit too far. Sure, fuck cheaters and all that, but banning people when they buy a new copy? I haven't had all that many issues with cheaters, and it seems that as long as the devs care there's no need for draconian measures. Besides, if you start banning...
  2. W

    Zack Snyder: The Force Awakens Killed More Civilians Than Man of Steel

    You know what, I rewatched Man of Steel recently and I don't really have a problem with that final fight scene. Yes, you cold argue that superman should've tried to take it somewhere else, but seeing them destroy Metropolis is a lot more interesting than seeing them fight in a desert or...
  3. W

    8 New Anime You Shouldn't Skip in 2016

    Fairy tail is still airing, and the manga is still ongoing. Zero is a prequel, taking place before the main storyline. I've seen some popular mangas do it before (the only one i can recall right now is freezing zero). This is the first time i've heard of one of them getting an anime adaption...
  4. W

    Can we stop with the "Batman is more relatable than Superman" thing?

    Okay, i haven't read all of the posts and i'm not actually that much into either character. Maybe that gives me some perspective, maybe i'm about to say something stupid. It's hard to talk about superman and batman as if they are simply a single character with a singular motivation. The time...
  5. W

    Sleeping Dogs Spin-Off Triad Wars Canceled After Closed Beta

    United front, this was the right decision. Nobody wanted a multiplayer sleeping dogs, especially not like some F2P model. But the idea of owning territory sounds cool, maybe you learned something from it to use for an actual sequel to sleeping dogs. Which i think a lot of people are really...
  6. W

    EA "Embarrassed" by How Good Its 2017 Releases Will Be anyone actually exited for any of these releases? Mirror's edge had it's fans, but it's been a long time already, do people still care? Battlefield will do well, but it's just another one of those games where people go like "Oh, there's another one". Mass effect andromeda will have...
  7. W

    Cancelling the Apocalypse - Pacific Rim 2 Is No More - Update

    You mean something like Battle: LA or battleship? I haven't seen much of the first one, but i heard it was almost as bad as battleship. I guess war of the worlds or skyline also show bits of that, but they give a more...realistic or authentic portrayal of how we'd fare against a civilization...
  8. W

    Game of Thrones - Well, Stannis fans, what do you think of him NOW? (Spoilers)

    In or out of character in the books or not, I just don't feel that it's a stretch in the TV show. He's someone who is 100% convinced he needs to do what he needs to do, no matter the cost. He's killed family before, and he was in a better situation then. As some people on reddit have been...
  9. W

    Game of Thrones - Well, Stannis fans, what do you think of him NOW? (Spoilers)

    According to the writers of the show, GRRM actually told them to do it. It may very well happen in the books in some way. Let's not forget that Stannis had never had a problem with burning family (His brother in law on dragonstone and attempted gendry) alive before, so it's not a stretch he'd do...
  10. W

    There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job".

    I stopped reading when i saw the "i'm the last generation" thing. It just happens every goddamn couple of years doesn't it? And every generation will in the end say that they knew how to do it right, despite the fact that the previous one told them they sucked. As for the movie, haven't seen it...
  11. W

    #022 Negative Reinforcement

    You know, you're free to dislike what you want, but do you really expect fictional characters to show normal behaviour? Especially webcomic protagonists, don't they usually act like assholes judged by real life standards? I'd rather not do that, or else you end up like the seinfeld finale...
  12. W

    Musician's Union Threatens to Expel The Banner Saga Composer

    Is this like a thing with American unions? The only time I hear about unions in my country is when they're threatening with a strike because wage/benefits negotiations are failing.
  13. W

    Science: Injecting Human Cells Into Mice Brains Makes Them Smarter

    The only question this raises is if the intelligent mice community will build a colony on Mars before the Humans, or if they go straight for Pluto.
  14. W

    This Super Smash Bros. 3DS Glitch Bans Players for 136 Years

    Bugs happen, they'll fix it. I'm more surprised by the fact that apparently, there is SOME kind of punishment for just targeting a single player during a FFA. Since when is that not a valid option?
  15. W

    The Black Glove Adds VR Support to Save Failing Kickstarter

    Hm, I really doubt this'll be the thing to make the difference. They're probably hoping it will get people to notice that the kickstarter is struggling, so they'll get the leagues of bioshock fans to donate, then rush the new features because they promised to make them. As long as the game is...