Recent content by WingedWalrus

  1. WingedWalrus

    Buy-Out Saves British Retailer GAME

    So pleased by this news! If nothing else, at least more people won't lose their jobs. As much as I want to support local smaller game retailers, in my area, Game is all we've got, and I'd much rather buy in-person than off the internet.
  2. WingedWalrus

    Why don't you play games on PC?

    Keeping my computer up-to-date enough to play games is just a hassle. With consoles, you know it'll work, no problems. Plus, not gonna lie, achievements keep me on the xbox cos Im the sort of shallow and low-self-esteem loser who needs little meaningless numbers to give my life some worth.
  3. WingedWalrus

    This or That

    Paragon Crowbar or baseball bat?
  4. WingedWalrus

    GAME Goes Bust [Updated!]

    As much as I acknowledge that their business strategy sucked (who needs 2-3 GAME/GameStation stores in every town?), considering theyre the only video game retailers in my town, Im pretty sad about it... Not a fan of buying on the internet... Would much rather browse games in a shop and be able...
  5. WingedWalrus

    Poll: Who is your favorite developer, did you grow up with them, are you a loyal fan and why?

    Never really paid attention to developers when growing up, but now I'd have to say my favourite is Valve, hands-down. First got into them through The Orange Box for Portal (to see what all the hype was about), and ended up playing the Half Life 2 games and getting hooked. Also now spend most of...
  6. WingedWalrus

    Poll: So I just preordered.. A freaking Portal Gun.

    Aah Ive pre-ordered one too (or, more accurately, my significant other pre-ordered one for me cos he found it first). Hoping the pre-order doesnt fall through... Need a portal gun to complete my life in all its tragic nerdism x_x That being said, if I do get my grubby paws on one, Im sooo not...
  7. WingedWalrus

    Stupid Achievements/Trophies

    I loved this achievement XD Took me back to Half Life 2: Episode 2, with that equally stupid-but-must-do-it-anyway achievement of carrying the gnome through the WHOLE GAME (or thereabouts). Grah. So frustrating, but I ended up forming a bizarre emotional attachment to the little bastard. Oh...
  8. WingedWalrus

    Favouring Older Instalments

    I think to an extent its nostalgia; if you play one of the first installments of a game series, you're introduced to it like "this is how this game is". When things are changed upon or improved in later installments, its natural to say "Hey, wait a second, it wasnt like this before!". At least...
  9. WingedWalrus

    What's your habit in games?

    I follow this mantra to a fault -> Obsessive use of melee weapons... "I might need this massive stockpile of ammo... later..." Even when Im getting my ass handed to me on a plate.