Poll: Who is your favorite developer, did you grow up with them, are you a loyal fan and why?


New member
Oct 17, 2009
I want to say something like Supergiant Games... but nothing can really top Blizzard.

I mean Diablo 2, Warcraft 3 and WoW. I'm not sure I even like them as a company, but there's just no ignoring all those memories I've gotten out of these three games.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
arnoldthebird said:
I grew up with Naughty Dog (Jak and Daxter, Crash), Epic Games (Unreal Tournament), Pandemic (Battlefront series) and Bethesda (Morrowind).

My Top 10 list is:
-Naughty Dog

I don't have a favourite, if I see a game that comes from any of these guy's I will pick it up. I love all of them
pretty much this

tho i will add


and i probably forgot some :p though what ive found out.. not sure if its real or not.. but i believe Pandemic has shut down ?

yep they where... many years ago :/

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandemic_Studios 2009, check under "history" sad.. they made great games :(


New member
Nov 11, 2010
Pandemic Studios: Mercanies, Destroy All Humans 1 & 2, Star Wars: Battlefront
Nintendo: Mario series, Zelda series
Game Freak: handheld Pokemon series
Sucker Punch: Sly 2 & 3, Rocket: Robot on Wheels
Amusement Vision: F-Zero GX, Super Monkey Ball 2, Jet Set Radio Future
Genius Sonority: Pokemon Colosseum & XD: Gale of Darkness
Insomniac Games: Spyro 1, 2, & 3; Ratchet & Clank series
Sonic Team: Sonic Adventure, Colors, & Generations
HAL Laboratory: Kirby series, Earthbound series, Super Smash Bros. series
Naughty Dog: Crash Bandicoot 1, 2, 3, & Team Racing; Jak 1, 2, & 3
I think that's it, about in that order.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Atlus, Lucasarts, Bethesda, Insomniac, Sucker Punch, Game Freak, and Rockstar get honorable mentions.
But my favorite developer of all is Naughty Dog. All their games have this certain feel to them, they love adventure (and south american ruins) plus they've come out with three wildly successful franchises, all of which I love. Not to mention they better themselves all the time and haven't had any drama unlike most devs nowadays. The only thing that I can say against them is that they sold the license to Crash Bandicoot, and I think that was more of Sony's fault anyway. That and I never got the ultra super awesome Uncharted 2 contest thing with all their signatures.
nickyv917 said:
Crash Bash
Actually Bash was made by Vivendi/Eurocom. That's why it may seem a bit off. Still, Vicarious Visions and them made the best knock-off Crash games so far.


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Oct 1, 2011
THATgamecompany, After Journey and Flower, I'll buy anything they make
EPIC Games, Gears is awesome, and I feel they're trying to mix things up with Fort Night
Shinji Mikami, After creating Resident Evil and revamping the series with 4, yeah pretty much sold
Suda 51, No more Heroes was fantastic, I love his over the top attitude and crazy games
Team Silent, I'm referring mainly to the first three SH games, because 2 is beyond amazing
Hideo Kojima, He just goes way out there doesn't he? MGS4 was fantastic.
From Software, if they keep pumping things like Demon's Souls out.

Veldt Falsetto

New member
Dec 26, 2009
It used to be my big three, Square Enix, Capcom and Konami

Square Enix are still one of my favourite developers and publishers but they're slipping pretty fast.
Capcom are idiots whom I hate with a passion (gimme more Ace Attorney and I will give you my money though).
Konami...are slipping but not as fast as Square are.

I have a few new favourite developers in the pipeline;

Atlus I've only just discovered but Catherine and Persona 1 are quickly becoming two of my favourite games.
Level-5 are the company that introduced me to serious gaming and they have never let me down, White Knight Chronicles wasn't perfect but every single game they've released I've loved.
ThatGameCompany, well, I LOVE Flower and Journey, Flower even made my game of the year the year it was released, I'd like to see some more from them before I lift them up that highly.

On my radar are Quantic Dream, again I need to see more from them

and SEGA who, despite being the company I grew up with died for me after the megadrive, I played a bunch of their later games as DC ports on my gamecube as well as the Yakuza games and Binary Domain, Sega have a real chance of winning me back given they start making amazing games again, heck they already have producing down. EDIT: I forgot Valkyria Chronicles, amazing series!
Mar 30, 2010
There have been so many. id, Black Isle, Bioware, Cavedog, 3D Realms, Lucasarts, Bethesda, Pandemic, DMA, Rockstar, Microprose, Psygnosis, Firaxis ... this list could go on and on.

But my favourite of all time?



I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Sucker Punch

respect to a studio that makes what they want to..... now announce inFAMOUS 3!


New member
Mar 26, 2012
The fondest memories I have of my childhood were with Konami. Playing Castlevania 3 and Super Castlevania IV with my friend each day after school is something I still hold dear to this day.

Other noteworthy developers include Bethesda, LucasArts, Rare (Donkey Kong Country!), and Capcom.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Never really paid attention to developers when growing up, but now I'd have to say my favourite is Valve, hands-down. First got into them through The Orange Box for Portal (to see what all the hype was about), and ended up playing the Half Life 2 games and getting hooked. Also now spend most of my time online playing L4D and L4D2. I just love their game designs, particularly in Half Life where you always have control of the character/camera even during cutscenes. Really adds to the immersion. Hella lot of respect for Valve. ... If only they'd release HL: Episode 3 *weeps*

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Valve. Once I got the Orange Box I have never looked back and I have never been burned by one of their games either.

Bethesda deserve a honourable mention for showing me the delights of the Fallout universe and (in a roundabout way) getting New Vegas released. Plus killing dragons is fun.

Bioware WAS on the "must pre-order favourite can do no wrong" group, but then they got EA'ed with Dragon Age 2, then the whole "Only On Origin" BS. Which meant I didn't get ME3 and have apparently dodged a rather bad ending if the rants and flames are anything to go by.

Edible Avatar

New member
Oct 26, 2011
Creative Assembly. I have bought every one of their games and i've been hooked since Medieval TW. I hate their current "arcade style, linear-focused" model that they are currently following though. That said, Empire TW and Rome TW are the 2 best games i've ever played.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
EvilMaggot said:
I was incredibly disappointed when they were closed

But I agree with Valve and Blizzard, should of put the both of them on my list too. Love me some StarCraft and Half Life


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
My favorite developer is either BioWare or Obsidian. I didn't grow up with either, but they were both instrumental in getting me back into gaming after a four year hiatus. A friend of mine had both KotOR games (and Fable, which also contributed) for his Xbox our freshman year, and I played them when I'd crash in his dorm. Fell in love with them.

But I grew up with Nintendo. They are still in my top 5 favorite developers, though they do put out a ton of crap along with the gems these days.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Favorite developer? That never makes a difference to my choices in games. I don't get why someone would be loyal to a company like that.

Moist Penguin

New member
Mar 30, 2011
Valve, as TF2 as soon as i saw it bought it and played nothing else for months. still my favorite game ever I have come away from it from time to time to play oblivion, skyrim mass effect etc. but I always return and have loads of fun