Recent content by yanamal

  1. yanamal

    XCOM: Enemy Within Standalone Expansion Changes and Additions

    Gah, I thought the recent internet-wide trend to auto-play videos on load was annoying enough, but auto-playing a video on a page that's supposed to be a text article, and hiding that video below the actual article so I have to scroll around madly searching for it as my computer emits entirely...
  2. yanamal

    Feed Dump: Drugged Food in the 90s

    I'm late to the party since I'm going through the archives, but on the topic of slavic nakedness and politics: (a ukranian protest group whose protests usually involve topless and/or naked women)
  3. yanamal

    LoadingReadyRun: Getting In Touch

    awwww that was super cute! And almost not evil at all.
  4. yanamal

    Interactive Storytelling

    Replay value (and also altering the context) is not the only reason a player might want his choices to affect the story. Life doesn't have any replay value (and you can't alter the context of your life like you describe for Fork), but lots of people still really hope that free will is a real...
  5. yanamal

    Escapist News Network: Guild Chat

    I enjoyed the interview bit and am surprised so many didn't, maybe it just wasn't what ENN folks were expecting from ENN?.. And you guys sure got a lot of footage out of that Philly con, I guess!
  6. yanamal

    Guitar Hero: Rock Opera

    Hey Yahtzee, I thought you didn't like the sandboxiness trend in games? Anyway, it would be even cooler if the non-"play a specific song/soundtrack" parts of the game (like driving and stuff) also were rhythm-based. Not sure how exactly, but sort of like this...
  7. yanamal

    Zero Punctuation: Little Big Planet

    seems like the *technical* quality was down a bit in this episode, as in I'm pretty sure I could hear when he spliced different takes together. A lot. sometimes in the middle of the sentence.
  8. yanamal

    Zero Punctuation: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    that's... kind of... sad. Not saying that as an argument against that statement, just saying it has sad implications, if one takes it to be true... Anyway, it was indeed cool to see the face in video, while talking, but my brain still refuses to associate the face with the voice! weird.
  9. yanamal

    Zero Punctuation: Manhunt

    Oh. Righto. Thanks. I feel silly now. Out of curiosity, how is one supposed to find that through normal browsing? 'cause normally the internet doesn't seem that hard to me... It's not like I didn't look for it... Anyway, my point was I *can't* stop by every Wednesday because my memory really...
  10. yanamal

    Zero Punctuation: Manhunt

    Yep, great as usual! Could we maybe get an RSS feed for just Zero Punctuation? Or, for that matter, separate RSS feeds for each section? because I really don't feel like signing up for an RSS feed for the entire site, because I'll end up missing most of the stuff I want anyway, so I'll just...