Recent content by zefichan

  1. Z

    Metroidvania RPG Heads to Kickstarter After 7 Years of Development

    Only when you're a whiny FPS fanboy that can't handle that FPS games get criticism. In reality, the number of 2D side scrollers is still comparatively tiny. You'll deal with more of them existing.
  2. Z

    Survey Reveals What the "Perfect" Male and Female Body Should Look Like

    Wow, those are some gross mutants.
  3. Z

    steam hate, why?

    Why are there only two options? Why not do the reasonable third option: A game can only be sold on steam if it works, regardless of the publisher. Even Apple manages that - yes, Apple actually checks this. Why can't steam? The problem with the "old" closed steam (Spoiler: Greenlight...
  4. Z

    steam hate, why?

    A big reason for "steam hate" is the fanatical steam fanboys who cannot handle that some people are not fond of steam and claim that it is the "best thing that happened to PC gaming". It's not. It's not the messias, NuclearKangaroo. You can stop trying to be a martyr for it. Look at...
  5. Z

    Violence in games vs Sexism in games?

    I love how the "sexism is not an issue" squad tries to use false equivalencies and logical fallacies all over the place. And of course, the guys defending sexism need to show their hateboner for Anita Sarkeesian, too. You realize that her very existance proves that sexism is a massive issue...
  6. Z

    Games Workshop Stock Plummets By 24 Percent

    Slightly different perspective: Girl here. The reason I stopped playing this was, well... The GW store people were pretty, pretty terrible (on the scale of "did you get lost, this isn't the hair stylist, lol" terrible) on top of a)even me realizing that the army lists were borked and, despite...
  7. Z

    Pachter: Nintendo Should "Consider Getting Out of the Wii U Business"

    Of course, fanboys want Nintendo to do this, but let's face it: If Nintendo did, they'd shoot themselves in the foot, so they won't. In fact, only utter idiots want them to do so, anyway, because it'd kill innovation entirely. Innovation these days is pretty much done entirely by Nintendo...
  8. Z

    Poll: What's Your Deal With Easy Mode

    Easy mode is fine, only stupid people are bothered by it. Dark Souls benefits from an Easy Mode, because it means the Hard Mode can be made even more challenging. Me, I don't usually play on easy, but I don't understand why so many gamers are unable to comprehend why people play on easy...
  9. Z

    Nintendo Too Late To Attract Third-Party Support, Bethesda Says

    Shantae. Sorry, Bethesda, but you're wrong. Bethesda really seems to hate Nintendo for some reason.
  10. Z

    Jimquisition: I'm Going To Murder Your Children

    On the contrary: Judging by how desperate many comments try to pretend the issue isn't an issue, judging by how fervently they cry that Jim DARED to address the issue, it's blatantly obvious that Jim was right in making this episode.
  11. Z

    Death of difficulty in games.

    Fact: Most modern games use ridiculous handholding, older games taught you during play, new games treat you like a five year old. Fact: A few games thankfully don't do this nonsense. Thank god. Games as a whole aren't too easy, most devs just think their players are idiots.
  12. Z

    Why are women so fickle in love?

    As I have dated both men and women, I cannot see any difference between dating either. There's no difference in fickleness. Men just often think that behavior is fickle when women do it, but is magically totally okay, reasonable and manly when other men do it. It's dumb.
  13. Z

    Why do we assume that aliens would be far more advanced than us?

    Any alien that visits us must by necessity be far more advanced than we are. The energy source alone could wipe us out.
  14. Z

    Is it taboo to cosplay as a character clearly from another race than yourself?

    Yes, if you ask cosplayers, it's a gargantuan, horrible issue. If you aren't white. White people are, of course, allowed to cosplay any character all day and that's okay and you're a horrible person to think otherwise. And it's also totally okay, according to cosplayers, to send a 14 year old...